chapter 3 - asking her out

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The next day in school, Freddie walked towards the girls' lockers like he always does. He noticed that Sam was rummaging her bag by her locker. Freddie suddenly felt nervous to approach his blonde friend.

Okay, Freddie, calm down. Why are you nervous? It's just Sam. Sam Puckett. Your friend! Freddie thought to himself.

All of a sudden, he remembered what he promised Carly the night before, that he would ask out Sam for her to experience what it is like to have a nice boyfriend. That was why he was feeling nervous, as he'd never imagine him asking Sam out on a date. Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked towards her.

"Hey." He said, trying to sound calm.

Sam heard his voice. Freddie's voice. She was nervous to face him too, after that conversation with Carly last night. Asking Freddie out? No way is she gonna do that, well that's what she thought at first. Before going to bed, Sam had a late night thought.

She thinks that Freddie might reject her, but at the the same time, if she didn't ask, she might never know if Freddie would say yes or not. So, she has decided to ask Freddie out, and whether he said yes or no, she would be proud she asked.

"Hi." Sam spoke, turning around after a few seconds later.

The two of them stood there for a few seconds, staring at each other, giving small smiles, before blurting out, "I have something to ask you."

After realizing they said the same thing, both of them burst out laughing.

"Ladies first." Freddie said.

"Nah, you first, Benson."

"Erm, okay then. I wanted to ask..."

Come on, Benson. Don't be a chicken. Just ask her!

Sam looked at him, confused.

"I wanted to ask if... if you.. if you would be willing to go on a date with me." Freddie blurted out, lowering his head and squeezed his eyes shut, half anticipating for Sam's reply.

"Sure." She said. He looked up at her.

"W-What?" He asked.

"Sure. I'll go on a date with you." She blushed.


"Yeah." Sam gave her signature grin. "You know, that's the question I wanted to ask you."

"Wow, really? You'd be willing to ask me out? Won't it affect your dignity?" Freddie laughed.

"Well, duh. But I was scared that I might never get the chance in the future." She shrugged.

"So, I guess this is it. We're going on a date together. Never thought we'd be doing that."

"Yeah, well... there's a first for everything, right?"

"Yeah. By the way, Carly was the one who nudged me to do it.."

"She nudged me too. Guess you were a step faster than me."

"Guess so. Honestly, I can't wait to go on a date with you, Puckett."

"Me too, Benson."

They blushed.

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