"Hey, don't do that." Severus grabbed the handkerchief on the side table, and carefully wiped Harry's face. "Do you want to go out for the day? Maybe to a park or something?" Severus asked. Harry nodded.

"I have an idea. What if we go shopping for your, clothes, toys and things to do when I'm teaching, and then we can go to the park after lunch?" Severus bounced Harry lightly on his lap, trying to calm him down. "I guess... Are w-we going to Diggin Alley again?"

"Diagon, Harry, and yes. Unless you want to go to Muggle London?"

"No. I like the magic one," Harry said, a small smile creeping on his face. He liked the bouncing. It made him feel better. "Why don't you go get dressed?" Severus asked. "Okay. I can wear Dray's clothes again?"

Severus nodded. Lucy had sent over a few outfits a few days after their meeting. When Severus tried to get Harry out to get clothes, it had turned into a nightmare; the closet sized dressing room had frightened him, as the 'family' one was not available.

He watched as Harry slid off his lap to his room to change, and he walked to his closet to do the same. He chose a simple light grey jumper, along with black trousers. He decided to leave the heavy robes. Despite it being early September, it was an unusually warm day when he casted a temperature spell.

He picked up a Muggle backpack to carry the purchases, and turned to see Harry walking into the room. "I ready, Daddy," he said, carrying Lily in one arm. "Good, so am I. Want to get going?" Harry nodded, and took Severus' finger in his still too thin hands.

Severus was proud of Harry's improvement. He was clearly getting better, as it had been over a month since Harry was rescued. He was gaining weight, having less nightmares each week (though if he didn't sleep in Severus' room, they were horrible), and had even agreed to go meet Draco, who's clothes he had been borrowing.

"If we go for clothes, do we have to..."

"It's a Sunday, so the big one will probably be taken, but this time we'll wait, okay? The big one is about the size of the bathroom."

They apparated after Flooing to Aberforth's pub, and thankfully Harry was able to suppress his vomit this time. "We'll do clothes first, then toys and books, and after that we can go to lunch. After lunch we'll go to a park. Sound good?" Harry nodded, and they made their way to Madame Malkins.

"What can I do for you? Please tell me you don't need school robes," Madame Malkin said once they walked into the shop. "No, we just need daily clothes for Harry. Nothing specially tailored, we just need to look around."

"Oh thank Merlin, Severus. You know where it is."

"Thank you."

Severus lead Harry through a door on the back wall, the same area they were in a few weeks ago, but this time there were far fewer people; only Severus, Harry, and a mother with a toddler. "Since fall is coming, why don't we get you long sleeves and jumpers? And how about I hold onto Lily while we shop, just so she doesn't get lost?"

"Okay..." Severus took the bear and put it in the biggest pocket of the backpack, and they walked around, picking out multiple jumpers, finding the occasional Muggle hoodie in the mix for some reason. They also chose a few button-up shirts, most in either black, grey, or red. Harry chose a few t-shirts to put under his jumpers for the winter, 

Severus chose the size he thought would fit Harry, one of the smallest kids sizes, and they made their way to the dressing room. "Why can't you just use magic to make them big enough?"

"Because, it's bad to rely on magic for everything."

"But why?" Harry asked. Severus chuckled. "If you don't know how to do anything without magic, and suddenly your wand gets lost or stolen, how are you going to know how to do anything? You'd be stuck, and you wouldn't know what to do, because you rely so heavily on magic."

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