Harry shook his head. "Papa died," Harry said, using the new name they had decided on for James. "Daddy's here. Daddy loves me, he wants me, he told me so!" Harry hid as best he could, which was hard as they were both still in pajamas. "Why would you want to go and send him to an abusive household, Albus? What happened to the 'greater good'?"

"Abuse? I never... oh bloody hell. That's what the owls were for," Dumbledore muttered. "Severus, still, he should be with family. School starts in a week, Severus-"

"You didn't read them?!" Severus yelled, making Harry jump. "Sorry Harry. Albus, you didn't read them?"

"Well, some, but it didn't sound like abuse, more like a family who used corporal punishments."

"Harry, cover your ears for a moment." Harry did so, and Severus glared at the elder man in front of him. "You think, that you can just barge into my personal quarters, tell my son that he can not live with me, and that he must go back to his abusive household? That his daddy's dead? Why the hell would you say that to a five year old?! What the bloody hell is wrong with you?! Get out!"

"Severus, he'll be safer there-"

"No. Get out. Now. In case you hadn't noticed, I now have to deal with a five year old who thinks he's going to get the shit beat out of him by his uncle, because you stupidly told him he just 'had' to go back. Out, or I'll kick you out myself."

"Can you imagine the danger this puts him in?! Voldemort-"

"When the Dark Lord returns, I will make a deal with him. Harry will never train to defeat him. Harry will never know about the prophecy. Your people will have to kill him, I am not forcing Harry to, and neither will you. Do I make myself clear?" Dumbledore was about to say something when he was cut off. "Good. Now get out!"

Thankfully, Dumbledore made his exit using the fireplace.

"Harry." Severus lifted his hands off his ears. "He's gone. Remember? I promised. I promised, and I promise to keep that promise even after I die."


"Yes." Severus moved them to his bedroom, where he sat in an armchair near a window. "Look at me, Harry. He's gone. He didn't know the whole story, okay? He didn't know why I adopted you. But you're stuck with me, okay?" 

When Harry looked up, Severus looked into the tear filled emeralds. "School. What school? Do I have to go? Are you making me go to school?"

"No, no. I teach, Harry. I teach potions, a magic class, and the student's are coming back next week so I can teach some more."

"So they come here in the morning, and learn and leave?" Severus shook his head. "No, not really. They live here during the year. I don't like it all the time, but it seems to work. So, I'm going to be busy, which is what I wanted to ask. You can either go to Lucy's during the day, or you can stay with me in class. If you stay with me, you must do what I say when I say it, okay? Potions can be dang-"

"I wanna stay! No leave!"

"It's okay, okay? You can stay. We'll get you some toys you can play with in my office, and we can make you a special corner behind my desk just for you, so you'll be right next to me all the time."

"Why does he want me to go back?" Harry asked after a few minutes. "I don't know, Harry. I really don't know."

"Am I bad?" 

Severus' eyes widened as he turned Harry to look him in the eyes. "No. Why would you think that? Who said you are bad?"

"The man... Dumbly-er was mad. He was mad at me, he reminded me of..." Harry trailed off with a shudder. "Of him. He thought... he thought I was bad, so I think he does too." Harry sniffled and wiped his face in his sleeve.

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