Opting Out

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I woke up after a long night of thinking and overexcitement. I had to admit I was nervous of getting caught but I knew Glenn would keep an eye out for us and warn us of any trouble. I got up and got ready for the day. I did the things I normally did.

When walking down the side of the prison, I saw a patch of clovers. Strange. I could have sworn those have never been there before. I looked around and saw no one so I sat down beside them and started looking for a four leaf clover. I sat there and picked and picked. I had never found one before in my entire life. I knew better than to get my hopes up of finding one.

After a couple of minutes, someone sat down beside me scaring me to death. It was Carl. I looked at him with wide eyes and looked around nervously.

"Carl you can't be here," I told him. He nodded and whispered his response.

"I know. But I just wanted to see you for a little bit." I shook my head furiously and bit my lip.

"If Rick or Daryl sees you talking to me, we're both dead. Besides," I said lowering my voice to barely a whisper,"We're supposed to be meeting at noon." He looked to me in question while pulling up a clover. His gaze turned to the clover and he smiled showing it to me. A four leaf clover. Unbelievable.

"Be at Glenn and Maggie's cell at noon," I managed to get out, trying not to be distracted. I started to shake violently in terror when I heard Rick walk up behind me and start talking.

"Carl what are you doing? Don't you know that you're supposed to be with Glenn? He's supposed to be teaching you a few things," Rick started. I could see the way he looked at me with vicious eyes and a sour expression. He seriously hated me and I had no idea why. I kept thinking to myself that this was how Glenn was getting away with it. I just hoped that we wouldn't get caught; that Glenn wouldn't get caught. If we got caught I was pretty sure that Rick would kick me out of the prison and he would never let Carl out of his sight. If Glenn got caught, Rick wouldn't kick him out but I think that he wouldn't trust him again.

As time edged closer to twelve o'clock, my heart rate quickened and my breathing came in fast, irregular bursts. Anxiety was taking over and I almost couldn't stand it. If Rick kicked me out of the prison, I didn't know what I would do. And I finally decided that if Rick kicked me out of the prison, I would opt out. It was decided. And nothing would change my mind. Then, at least, I wouldn't have to suffer from being away from Carl. And then, I could be with the one person I wanted to be with. My granddad.

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