Seeming To Forget

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I wondered if it had been a real spirit telling us of the future. And no matter what, I couldn't change the fact that I went to sleep that night or ignored the warning.

The zombie apocalypse started exactly twenty four hours after our ouija board experience. I think the most saddening of it all, is that I never got to see my mom and my dad again. The last time I talked to them was before cell service went out around 3 o'clock that afternoon. The last thing my mom texted me was:

'Hey. Just stay at Izzy's house again tonight. Me and your dad are going to go to this Christmas party. We'll see you tomorrow at 10 am. Love you.'
- 2:58 pm

They never saw me that next day. I don't even know if they made it home from the Christmas party. I still had hope that they were out there. I guess why I had thought about it was because today made a year that this all happened. And I was determined to find them.

I wanted to sing again so I could try to forget and calm myself but the only song I thought of would be cruel to sing now. Especially since I had kind of given up on the idea. I still sung it anyway since it was a song I used to love and believe in so much.

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Come to us, Lord
You reward those who earnestly, diligently seek You
I wanna see Your face, I wanna know Your way
Come to us, Lord

We want You more than this life
More than our way Your way is higher
Your thoughts are higher
We surrender here tonight
What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Oh, precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Oh, precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

I had not told anyone of our encounter. And while Izzy had seemed to think nothing of it, I think about it every day and every night.

When the apocalypse started, it was 3 am and me and Izzy were about to go to sleep. We had just got done watching this scary movie when we heard her dog Wookie yelp. I looked to her in worry and we both darted in the direction of the noise. When we got there, we saw what looked like two walking corpses tearing away at Wookie.

When I tried to get Izzy's attention, she didn't move. Soon, the corpses started moving towards us and I tried to protect us but I couldn't do it alone. I ran when one of the corpses bit into Izzy.

It was all my fault. If I would have been stronger; if I could have pressed Izzy to further look into the message from the spirit. But now that I think about it, I guess this being the cold person that has developed through these hard times, what's done is done. Nothing can change that. And the more I thought about how it all started on Christmas, the more sour and bitter my feelings became towards our "almighty" God.

What had I done to deserve all of this?

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