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Chenle walked inside the mall like he owned it with his head high and chins up, walking straight without looking at anyone else as Jisung and his two bodyguards were following him from behind.

Jisung had no idea why Chenle wants him to shopping with him. He doesn't even have a single idea what would Chenle buy. The lad just called him to come shopping with him and when he declined it the lad went to his dorm apartment, threatening him to drag him out of the apartment if he still refuses to come.

Jisung thought that he would just jump out of the window while there are still in the car, but that's an absurd idea. He was now thinking of running away inside the mall, he just has to run fast to outrun these bodyguards and hide better; this mall was too big and if hide well it would be impossible for Chenle and his bodyguards to find him.

"Don't even think of running away in this mall," said Chenle in a warning tone. "It won't be my bodyguards who would look at you and drag your ass but all the security team of this mall, too."

"Does your family own this, too?" Jisung scoffed.

"No, but we're one of the major stockholders, so don't even think of running," Chenle warned again and Jisung gave up his thoughts of running away. It was impossible for him to do. He just have to endure a whole day with the most annoying person he ever met.

Jisung, then, felt that the phone in his pocket vibrated and then he immediately grabbed his phone out. It was a text message from Lami.

From: Lami ❤

Babe, where are you? I'm at your apartment right now. Jaemin Oppa said that you're already gone when he woke up.

Jisung look at Chenle who was busy walking on the pathway before he types his reply.

To: Lami ❤

I'm at the mall right now, it may take a while before I go back home. What are you doing there?

Then he received Lami's reply immediately.

From: Lami ❤

What are you doing there? Wait for me, I'll go there.

What? No, she can't go here! Jisung panicked. He can imagine Chenle and Lami's reaction to each other once they saw each other. Lami would definitely ask him a lot of questions about why he was with Chenle— who was Chenle, why did he have to go with, and many more. On the other side, he was afraid that Chenle would be rude to his girlfriend and Lami was not the type who would back out when someone was being rude to her, she may be small but she would definitely fight back.

But before even Jisung type his reply Chenle already saw him.

"Can you put your phone down? It's annoying," said Chenle.

"Why would I? I can use my phone whenever I want. You already drag me here out of my will, so don't you dare stop me on using my phone," said Jisung firmly.

"Really? The last time I remember my parents pay you," said Chenle in in-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Your parents pay me to tutor you and not to babysit you and go with you whenever you want. It's your parents who pays me, not you," said Jisung, emphasizing every word that's coming out of his mouth.

"My parents money is also my money so technically I'm still paying you," said Chenle, he will not lose in this argument.

Before Jisung even rebut his phone vibrates once again, and Chenle just had enough. He was annoyed to see the lad's focus on the phone and not him. He wants Jisung's focus to be on him only and not on to anyone or anything. Just him.

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