Fire of Your Soul

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Thank you, again, for sticking with us and for leaving a review, if you did. We appreciate you sharing our love of Twilight. Unfortunately, this is not ours. We just like to play with the characters created by Stephenie Meyer.

Up next will be a continuation of the previous chapter, discussing the mysterious fire and then the benefit.

Chapter Eleven

Edward stood up, holding his hand out to Bella. She took it and she put the rose back behind his ear. He laughed, spinning her into his arms and dipping her deeply. With a kiss to her neck, he led her to the dance floor where they spent the rest of their night. Their dances were just prolonged foreplay. After another slow dance, Bella looked up at Edward through her lashes. "I think we've been here long enough, Edward. Spending the night in your arms ... it makes me yearn for more," she whispered. She kissed his lips, barely grazing his mouth with hers. "Make me yours, Edward."

He pulled back, searching her eyes. They were sparkling with desire, certainty. "No turning back, Bella. I'm yours and you're mine."

"Yes," she nodded. "Want to get out of here?"

He crashed his lips against hers, forgetting where he was momentarily. Pressing his forehead to hers, he nodded. "Fuck, yes."

The car ride back to Bella's condo was filled with sexual tension. Edward held Bella's hand, passing his thumb over her knuckles. He relished the feel of her warm skin underneath his calloused palm. Her skin was so soft compared to his, so fragile.

Bella shuddered with each caress of Edward's thumb. She was eager to be with him, to make love to him. It had been a long time since she'd been with someone. Not since she moved to Seattle. Self-love was okay, but it obviously lacked intimacy and human connection. Vibrators did the job, but Bella needed more. She craved more. She desired to be with Edward.

As a lover.

As a friend.

As her future.

As her forever?

Bella had always been distant with her emotions. She focused her attention on her schooling and then, her patients. She fucked. She had one-night stands. She never wanted the complications of a relationship. She only grew more romantically distant after Angela's death. Her trysts were in closets, bar bathrooms and hotel rooms. She would not have anyone in her home in Tribeca. She would not sleep with them, kicking them out after they'd fulfilled their purpose: orgasms and pleasure.

With Edward, she did not see him as a human dildo. Her previous partners were nameless, faceless sex toys and used for a fuck. Most of the time, they weren't a good fuck. In Edward, she saw something special and she wanted it. She felt a connection, a spark of desire, intimacy and a tiny burning flame of love. She wanted it more than anything she'd ever wanted in her entire life, save for another conversation with her twin sister.

Am I making the right decision, Ang? Bella thought to herself.

Edward picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. He turned to look at her, a crooked smile on his handsome face.

Okay, Ang. You made your point.

Clearing her throat, Bella whispered, "I'm nervous. It's not like I'm virgin or anything. I just ..."

"It's different with us, Bella," Edward replied. "I can't speak for you, but I know that the past few years haven't been the easiest for me. Moving across the country, starting a new job, finding out my mom's sick ... I used sex as a release. I did not do relationships."

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