Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Bella and Renee walked to the elevators, pressing the button for the lift. "This place wasn't always so swanky," Renee explained.

"What do you mean?"

"This place used to be a burnt-out apartment complex. Your father worked on that fire. When was it? I think it was when you and Angela were just babies. This place completely burned down. There was one fatality, I think. Most everyone else got out in time. Minor injuries, smoke inhalation and stuff like that." She tapped her finger when the elevator opened. "There was one fatality, and there was a victim who was horrifically burned. About seventy percent of third-degrees over their body. There was little hope that the victim would survive, but he did."

"Oh, wow," Bella breathed. She knew that burn victims were susceptible to so many infections and painful recoveries. "Do you know where the guy went?"

"After he was released from the hospital, he disappeared. I don't know," Renee said. The elevator doors opened. "Mr. Volt's condo is down this way."

They found the condo, but there was a note on the door. The writing was sloppy, but it said that Mr. Volt had to step out and would be back in a few minutes. It was important for him to talk to Renee. The door was open. Renee pushed through the door and smiled. "Isn't this gorgeous? Look at the view overlooking Puget Sound?"

"It's very barren, Mom," Bella snorted, looking around the empty condo as she hovered by the door.

"That's why we have this, smart ass," Renee snickered, putting the sample boards in what would be the kitchen. "Mr. Volt wanted to make sure that everything gelled together. So, Alice and I created a couple of options for him." She looked at her daughter. "Come inside, Bella."

"It feels weird walking into a condo that's not mine," Bella shuddered.

"Mr. Volt will be here in a few minutes. He gave us permission, baby," Renee argued.

With a sigh, Bella stepped away from the door, but left it open. When she turned the corner to enter the kitchen, the door slammed shut making both women jump. Bella looked around before running back to the door. Fruitlessly, it wouldn't budge.

"You're not going anywhere," said a raspy, damaged voice. "You walked into this trap ... like a moth to a flame ..."


Edward dialed Bella's number for the hundredth time since they returned back to the fire investigation lab. It went straight to voicemail. He frowned, hanging up without leaving a message. He tried it again and again, each time going to voicemail. "Damn it. Chief?"

"What is it, Edward?" Charlie replied.

"Have you tried calling Bella or Renee?" he asked. "Have you called the cops?"

"I've called the cops and they're sending someone to talk to me regarding the coffee shop fire," Charlie answered. "Rose is still on the phone with the commissioner."

"Try calling your wife, Chief. I've got this sinking feeling that something's happened to Bella and Renee," Edward choked out.

"Okay, Edward," Charlie agreed, nodding as he took out his cell phone. He dialed Renee's number and it also went to voicemail. "She's not answering."

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