Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"Aro, I know that you're in pain. You're struggling with reality. Fuck, you're talking to a ghost," Marcus said. "Is this what you really want to do?"

"I've killed, Marcus. First, Angela and then that little faggot at the coffee shop," Aro said. "God, he wouldn't shut up!"

"Don't forget your partner," Marcus said wryly, crouching over Peter. "You've avenged my death, brother."

"No, I didn't! Charlie Swan killed you. He ignored you," Aro ranted.

"He fucking saved you, idiot!" Marcus argued. "If it weren't for Charlie Swan, you'd be with me, six feet under."

"I couldn't even have a funeral for you, Marcus. I had no money, and you were cremated ... not that there was a lot left," Aro said sadly. "I don't have a way to remember you, brother. Instead, I see you in my dreams, in my nightmares."

"In your reality," Marcus said. "Aro, I will always love you. Despite what you did that night I died and what you're doing now, I love you. You're my brother, my best friend. You protected me when Mom didn't give a shit. Stop this, brother."

"NO!" Aro screamed, fumbling with his lighter and it fell onto the ground, igniting the chemicals around Peter's corpse. Aro took a clumsy step back, away from the flames. Despite his actions, starting fires, he was terrified of the flames. He scurried toward the women, holding the gun. The condo quickly filled with smoke and the fire alarms went off.

"Brother, I forgive you, but I can't stay here and watch this," Marcus said, standing between the two women and the fire.

"I'm doing this for you, Marcus. I need you to stay," Aro sneered, leveling the gun. "You will stay."

The door was kicked open and a tall man with bronze hair and a turnout coat burst through. Charlie Swan came in afterward, dressed similarly. Aro's plan was not fully in place. All the pieces were in play. "Like a moth to a flame ..."


The drive to The Stockyards seemed to take forever. Charlie was in no shape to drive. He was an anxious mess. Edward sped through the streets of Seattle to get to the condo complex. People were not moving over as the Battalion Chief's SUV siren's blared, and lights flashed. Edward laid on the horn, screaming in frustration at the stupidity of people.

Didn't they know that they needed to move over to the right for emergency vehicles?

Arriving at The Stockyards, Edward parked the SUV haphazardly. Both he and Charlie threw on a turnout coat and picked up helmets from the back of the SUV. They didn't have full gear. Pants and oxygen masks were not inside. They didn't think to grab them when they flew out of the station.

All that mattered was getting to Bella and Renee.

"Do you think we should take the elevators?" Edward asked.

"I don't want to risk it," Charlie frowned. He pushed into the lobby and they ran to the stairwell. The fire alarms were going off and there were people running down the steps. "Where's the fire? What floor?"

"Penthouse," coughed one person.

"No, not there," said someone else. "I live on the penthouse level and the air was clear. It was around the tenth floor."

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