Chapter 1 (The Realization)

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Walker's Bedroom

(Indi enters the room Walker is playing videogames on his PC)

Indi: Hey Sexy (kisses him on the cheek)

Walker: Uh Hi, Sup

Indi: I want some Starbucks Walker (embraces him tightly) lets go

Walker: I'm Kind of in the Middle of an R6 Grind with Stefan and Gavin we are on a 28 win streak right now

Indi: Boring I know I am much more important than some dumb game,  right

Walker: Stefan and Gav are counting on me right Guys 

Stefan: (over discord) Yeah Indi, stop stealing our boy for a bit hes ours today

Gavin: (over discord) We discussed this shit bro, you need to make a decision, right now

Walker: Indi you need to learn Saturday is for the Boiz 

Indi: Excuse me you are my BOYFRIEND im the only thing that should matter in your life, I am...

Walker: (pissed off) OKAY, Listen the fuck up, Firstly we aren't dating you haven't said yes, Second my friends do matter too me, Third how dare you just barge in here uninvited and try to pull me away....

Indi: (bored with this pulls him into a passionate kiss) You were saying. 

Walker: (smiles) we are THROUGH!!!!!

Indi: EXCUSE ME!!!

Walker: Bro's before Hoes! and just fuck you get the hell out of my house and never return 

Indi: You still like Piper don't you!

Walker: Fuck no i'd fuck Stefan or Gavin before her (covers his mouth)

Indi: You Fag!

Walker: Just leave please (she does)

(he sits back in his chair thinking about what he just said)

Walker: (sighs) am I Gay.....oh fuck (notices he's still on the Discord Call)  Um guys

Stefan: (On Discord) Walker, would you please come by my place tonight we need to chat

Walker: Uh yeah ill be there

Stefan: (On Discord) Good (disconnects)

Gavin: (On Discord) You're in for a treat

Walker: What do you mean

Gavin: (On Discord) (laughs) you'll see, i gtg bye bro (disconnects)

Walker: (sighs) Fuck

I hope  that wasn't total shit, i know the script style of writing is a little odd but i am a theater kid so that's where i thrive please let me know your thoughts down below new chapters will be posted regularly


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