14 ~ forms

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Elizabeth flew out of state for work, leaving Lexi, Harley and Peter back in the apartment. 

After Harley walked down the hall to his apartment from hanging out with Cassie, Maya and the others at the Matthews' apartment.

He walked over to the kitchen and sat on the dining table and pulled out his laptop and camera from his backpack.

He connected his camera to his laptop and began importing the pictures he had taken that day, whether it was personal pictures or for the school. 

As soon as the pictures imported, he began sorting through the pictures and making sure that all the school - related pictures were in one file and his personal pictures were in a separate file.

Lexi came home from a photoshoot.

"Hey, Harls," Lexi greeted the fourteen year old.

"Hey, Lex," Harley glanced at her. "How was the photoshoot?" he looked back at his laptop screen.

"Good," Lexi said. "Where's Peter?"

"He's at his friends house," Harley shrugged, looking up at Lexi. "James said he'll pick up Peter and bring dinner."

"Oh, good," Lexi said, relieved. "I'm exhausted to make dinner."

Harley smiled a little. 

"I could've made dinner, but..." Harley shrugged.

"Thank you," Lexi said.

She walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Water?" Lexi offered.

"Uh, no, thanks," Harley said as he want back to focusing on his pictures and sending the school pictures to the teacher in charge of the yearbook team.

Lexi began working as well.

Harley and Lexi stopped when James got to the apartment with Peter and dinner.

"Hey, Pete, James" Harley greeted the two.

"Hey, Harley" Peter said. "Hi, Lexi."

He quickly went to his bedroom. 

Seconds later, they heard another door open and closed.

Harley assumed that Peter might've gone to the bathroom.

"Here is dinner," James said.

"Thank you," Lexi said. "You are a life - saver."

James smiled.

Harley moved his laptop and camera to the living room.

Lexi took her work to her and Elizabeth's office.

Harley and James began setting up the table.

The table was set when Lexi and Peter came back to the kitchen to have dinner.

The four had dinner and Peter excitedly told them about soccer practice after school that day and what he and his friend did after that.

Harley got up to get a bottle of water as Peter told them about his couch telling him he has been improving his goal - keeping skills.

Harley placed three bottles of water for himself, James and Peter.

"Thanks," James said as Harley placed the bottle of water on the table in front him.

Peter quickly picked up the bottle of water.

"Thanks, Harley," Peter said.

"What about you, Harley?" James asked.

"Huh? Oh, um, school was good," Harley shrugged as he sat down. "Um, we have a field trip coming up, but I need Mom to sign the form for me."

"Oh, where's the field trip to?" Lexi asked.

"Um, some ski lodge," Harley shrugged.

"Oooh, I heard about that ski lodge," Lexi said. "It sounds really nice."

Harley gave her a half smile and James smiled a little.

"When do you need to turn in the form?" James asked.

"Uh, by Friday next week," Harley said. "Mom should be back by then."

James nodded.


Harley met up with Cassie on his way to school and the two headed to school together. They met with Riley and Maya outside of Mr. Matthews' classroom. Gabe and the rest of the group was nowhere in sight.

"Hey," Harley greeted them.

"Hi, guys," Cassie said, giving them a smile.

"Hey, guys," Riley greeted the two cheerfully.

"Where is the rest of the group?" Harley asked glancing around the hallways.

"They're on their way here," Maya informed him.

Harley nodded.

"So, did you guys get the form signed yet?" Riley asked.

"Yeah, I did," Cassie said. 

Riley and Maya looked at Harley.

"Not yet," Harley shook his head. "My mom is out of town."

"Don't you guys have a roommate?" Maya asked.

"Yeah," he hesitated, "but I don't know if the school will take her signature since she's not my parent."

"Wouldn't she be considered a guardian?" Maya asked.

"I guess, I don't know," Harley shrugged, "but I don't want to risk it. My mom's coming back on Sunday. I'll get her to sign it on Monday and turn it in on Tuesday."

Maya gave him look, which left Harley feeling nervous.

"C'mon, guys, let's go into my dad's classroom," Riley said.

She waved at them to follow her into the classroom to continue talking until their friends came and class started.

Photograph [Maya Hart]Where stories live. Discover now