08 ~ baseball game

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Friday rolled around and Harley excitedly waited for the school day to end. He and Peter were going to the baseball game with James. Elizabeth would've loved to join the three at the baseball game but seeing how busy she was with work, she couldn't join them.

"I can't believe you're going to the baseball today," Gabriel said. "My dad tried to get tickets, but he couldn't find any good deals."

"Oh, that sucks," Harley said, sympathetically. 

"Even Justin, my brother, tried to find tickets, but he couldn't find any," Gabriel said.

"Hey, there are more baseball games," Harley assured Gabriel. 

"Yeah, I know," Gabriel sighed.

When the school day ended, Harley said goodbye to his friends and left to pick up Peter from his middle school and they headed home together.

"Quickly change," Harley said when they got home. "James said he'll be here soon."

"Okay," Peter nodded.

As the two brothers changed into their bedrooms, Lexi came home.

"Guys?" Lexi called, closing the apartment door.

"Yeah, Lex?"


"Are you done getting ready?" Lexi asked. "James is here!"

"I'm almost ready!" Harley said.

"I'm ready!"

Peter left his bedroom. Harley left his bedroom shortly after Peter, ready for the baseball game.

"Are you ready?" James asked.

"Yeah," Harley nodded.

Peter nodde.

James smiled. 

"Come on," he said, quickly grabbing his jacket from the chair and walked over to the door.

Harley and Peter looked at each other with smiles on their faces as James opened the door and waited for them walk out so he can follow them.

"Oh, wait!" Harley remembered.

He ran back his bedroom, grabbed his camera, and walked back.

"Okay, I'm ready now," Harley said.

"Good, let's go," James smiled.

"Have fun!" Lexi called out after them as they left.

"Thank you!" James responded to her.



Harley and Peter followed James out of the apartment and into his car to drive to the stadium.

The stadium was filled with baseball fans. There were people walking around the stadium, hoping to somehow get tickets or sitting outside until it's time to get in.

"Alright, boys," James said, placing his hands on the boys shoulders as they walked to security, "where are your stuff?"

Harley held out his phone and camera and Peter took out his phone from his back pocket. 

"Okay, good, good," James said.

A few people recognized James as they stood in line to go through security. They either stared at him in aw or came up to him asking him for a picture and an autograph. Under different circumstances, James would've taken pictures, but now that he's with Harley and Peter, he wanted to focus his attention on them.

Photograph [Maya Hart]Where stories live. Discover now