28 ~ christmas break

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It was finally Christmas break and Harley was finally able to sleep in longer.

He was able to adjust to going to school, but there would be nights where he'd forget that he'd have school the following morning and stay up until his mom or Lexi would yell at him to go to bed and reminding him that he has to wake up early the following morning.

Harley turned onto his side and checked the time.

It was nearly 10:30.

He stretched and got out of bed and got ready.

He and Maya planned to meet up for coffee today at the bakery in an hour.

The two were talking about going on another date since the play but neither one of them had the time.

Harley began working at a local business and Maya was busy with the rest of the group and homework. 

Harley began working as a photographer for the local business, which sold hand made products, like jewelry, clothes, photo frames, etc.

Thanks to Harley's photography skills, it bought in more costumers. The store also had a section where they had customers come in for pictures to put in the frames they bought and Harley was able to take pictures of the customers in the basement of the store for them.

He finally had a day off and he got paid for the week. 

His boss had sent him his weekly salary through direct deposit to his debit card.

"Hey," Harley said to Maya when he got to the bakery.

She smiled when she saw him.

"Hey," she said. "I ordered us the drinks.

"Oh, really?" he said as he took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack by the door.

Maya nodded.

Harley joined her at the table and the two began to talk. 

"Okay," Maya said, "what do you want for Christmas and your birthday?"

"I don't know," Harley shrugged. "I don't really want anything, I guess."

"Oh come on," Maya said, nudging him, "there has to be something you want."

"I don't know," Harley sighed. 

"You know, I'll figure something out," Maya said. 

After an hour at the bakery, their friends joined them.

Harley was only able to see them for thirty minutes before he had to head home himself for some worked related event that his mother had to go to and it was a family event, which meant, James, Harley and Peter had to go with her. Lexi would've joined, but she was busy with work.

Harley put on a suit, something that he despised, and he, Peter and Elizabeth got into the car with James when he came to pick them up and drove to the event. It was some party and unfortunately, families had to attend.

Harley would've done anything to be with his friends, but he had to put with events like this for his mom's work.

After the event, they headed home. 

They took Peter moodiness as a sign to go back home.

They headed home home around ten PM and Peter fell asleep on the ride home. 

They were going to wake Peter up and help him upstairs but James stopped them.

"Don't worry, I'll carry him," James said.

"Oh, James, don't -"

"It's fine," James assured Elizabeth. "I'll carry him."

James carried Peter upstairs. 

Elizabeth opened the door to the apartment and Harley opened the room to Peter's room for James to go in and lay him in bed.

Harley passed out in bed the moment his head hit the pillow.

The following morning, Harley and Peter went to get bagels and coffee from a bakery for breakfast. 

Elizabeth and Lexi weren't home when they woke up.

Harley and Peter knew that Elizabeth and Lexi went to work.

Photograph [Maya Hart]Where stories live. Discover now