What The Water Gave Me (Part 2)

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So lay me down, let the only sound

Be the overflow, pockets full of stones

Lay me down, let the only sound

Be the overflow

Note: This is just a short chapter continuing the last chapter. Hope y’all like it! I’m going to be gone for a few days so I won’t be able to write anything but I promise to post as soon as I can!

Floating. That was how Win could describe what he was feeling. He slowly opened his eyes but it was too much work for him. As soon as he did fully open his eyes, though, he saw nothing but darkness. No, that was not entirely true. It was dim, sure, very dim, but he could see. His body felt like he had no control of it as he floated. Turning his head around to look where he was, Win noticed that he wasn’t entirely wrong. He was floating but as he realized where he was, it was more like he was sinking. The slow and light movement he made was because he was underwater, falling slowly. He thought he couldn’t see at first but it was just very dark because he was far, far below the body of water. 

He opened his mouth to scream but bubbles formed as he tried to release a sound. He flopped around trying to swim upwards. Win knew he could swim upwards but his limbs weren’t cooperating much. Forcing his body to follow what he wanted to do, he managed to move them but it wasn’t enough. After a few seconds, he felt his feet landed on the bottom of wherever he was. 

For some reason, he wasn’t drowning and he didn’t need to breathe to be underwater. Why was he there? Where was he, exactly? Win tried to recall the last thing he remembered but everything felt murky. It was as if he knew what happened but at the same time, he couldn’t recall them or put them together. It was like a mishmash of jigsaw pieces that he didn’t know how to fit to where it was supposed to fit. He knew he went to work that day and he saw Bright, too. Bright, he thought. His boyfriend. Weren’t they supposed to see each other? Did they? Win wasn’t sure if he was remembering things correctly or it was just his imagination.

Win checked himself for… he didn’t know. His brain told him to check himself but he didn’t know why. He touched his stomach and looked to see if there was something wrong but he didn’t see anything. Not knowing why, Win tried to reach his back to check something but again, nothing was wrong. He didn’t feel any pain nor did he feel anything abnormal on his skin.

Win shook his head, moving slowly as he was underwater, and decided he needed to leave and swim upwards. He checked his arms again and it seemed that they were working fine now. As he lifted his legs to check them too, Win noticed that he somehow had chains around his ankles. He suddenly turned anxious and his heart started to beat too quickly for his liking. Kneeling down, he checked the chains and tried to figure out how to get out of it quickly. 

The chains were made of rocks. Win tried to pull on it but it didn’t budge. He tried to look for where the chain ended but he couldn’t see far enough there. His anxiety was through the roofs and he didn’t want to be there any second longer. Maybe it was long enough for him to reach the surface and call for help. Looking up, Win could see that there was light and that meant the surface was not unreachable. 

He readied himself to swim up. All of a sudden, he felt himself choking. Win closed his mouth and held his breath. His eyes widened as he suddenly felt that he couldn’t breathe underwater anymore. Why could he before, though? Or was he just holding his breath the whole time and he was already at the end of his capacity to stay underwater? 

Panicked, Win pushed himself upwards and started swimming towards the light, towards the surface. He knew he couldn’t hold his breath for more than a minute so he had to swim fast. As he was halfway through, or so he assumed, to break the surface, he thought he heard something.

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