Part 5-For God Sake Spyder, I Love You!

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Part 5

(We were in command centre and i was freaking out and pacing back and forth on the verge of a major panic attack.)

Sabrina: What the hell are we going to do you guys, they are off the grid, he might have them already and it's all my fault, i caused this, all because i didn't go with him when he told me too.

Ryan: Calm down.

(I gave him a look like i wanted to rip his head off and Spyder said to him.)

Spyder: It's best not to tell her to calm down, she gets really mad and then bad things tend to happen.

(Then Mark said.)

Mark: Yeah only to you, she hurts you.

(I Whipped around and i faced him and i said.)

Sabrina: Want me to hurt you too.

Mark: Hey, being the best friend here, no need to snap at me

Harris: He has a point, she only does hurt you Spy.

Spyder: Hey, i see it as an act of love.

(I walked past him and said.)

Sabrina: In your dreams, Connor.

Spyder: Oh that's every night, when i go to sleep.

(He said with a huge smirk on his face and we glared at each other and i said.)

Sabrina: I don't know what to do, this just can't be happening.

(Then it happened again.)

Sabrina: He took them, and now i....

Mark: Now you what?

Sabrina: Is it hot in here?

Ryan: No, we have the air con on, we always do.

Sabrina: It's hot in here, and they are gone and they could be dead, oh my god, what are we going to do, we need to find them.

Ryan: Uhh guys something not right with her, her heart is racing and her pulse is going up.

(Spyder looked at me and he knew what was wrong.)

Spyder: I got this one.

(He knew what it was and he came over to me and i looked at him and i said between breaths.)

Sabrina: If you... slap me... across the face Connor... i will hurt you... with bad... i can't... breath...what is happening.

(I was having a panic attack and Ryan said.)

Ryan: We have to help her.

Harris: I don't know what to do and this time that is a first, i have never seen her have whatever this is.

Spyder: I have seen it, trust me i know what to do.

Harris: You do?

(He asked his friend and Spyder said.)

Spyder: I do.

(He turned to me and i looked at him and i said.)

Sabrina: Don't.... you... dare...Connor.

Spyder: My name is Spyder and it's the only way to help you, cause Jessie and Jake are not here to do it.

Sabrina: Your.... singing.... sucks!

Spyder: Oh no, i'm not going to sing, remember Season 3 Episode 11 of Teen Wolf.

(I gave him a look and i shook my head and i said between breaths.)

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