CHAPTER 10: Permission to escape

Start from the beginning

"Probably my sadness lingering around the room." I deadpanned.

She chuckled. "Very funny, donna. But you really need to take a shower."

"And I will...when I will feel like it." I mumbled and hugged my knees which were now healed.

"You are still upset, aren't you?"


"And probably want to strangle the capo's son to death?"

"Hmm-Hmm—wait, what?" I sat up straight and faced her. "Capo's son? Boss's son? Is Leonardo Agostini not the boss or something like that?"

She sat in front of me. "No, not exactly. His padre is the boss, but he is giving up all his rights to his son in a few months so you can understand why we call his son a capo too."

I hummed in understanding.

"Now enough of this boss and son! What is wrong with you?! You stink and you look pale!" Louisa eyed my attire in disgust.

I dropped on my bed again. "Go away. Everything is ruined."

She sighed. "Amelia, nothing is ruined."

My eyes stung with tears and I tried to blink them back. "It is. I don't belong here. I never did, but I managed it because I had the hope to go back home! Even if I try to run again, the Agostini son is now behind my back! He hurt me very badly. He gave me bruises and threatened to shoot me. He ruined me."

Louisa smirked. "But didn't you land on his back?"

"This is a serious issue!" I snapped. "I'm hopeless. I'll never see my family again." I mumbled, feeling those tears falling on my face.

"As much as I would like to give you a hug, you smell." A small smile appeared on my face. "And as for the famiglia part, you have to accept your life here. You belong to the Agostini."

Accept? I'll never accept my life here. This is not a life. Not the one I had planned for myself.

Suddenly, I remember something.

"Louisa, how did that woman you told me about escaped from here?"

Her eyes widened in surprise and slapped my knees in a playful manner. "Mio Dio! I will never tell you that. Because I know you will try to repeat that again and I can't afford myself to come face to face with the capo himself!"

I frowned. "Again?"

She cleared her throat and laughed nervously. "I-I...uh...I meant that I had to save Rylie from the capo! He looked like as if he was about to strangle her and I had to save her. Can you believe it?! Me! I'm telling you, this old woman here sure peed a little when I saw the capo with poor Rylie!"

I burst out laughing. "Okay, okay, okay. Calm down Signorina Louisa. Everybody here is well and fine."

"But are you?" She questioned. "Are you well and fine?"

"I will be." I answered honestly and smelled myself. I cringed. "I really need to take a shower."

"Si." Louisa agreed and touched the rough ends of my hair. "And a haircut too. I'll cut your hair after you dry yourself up. Do you want it back to its original shoulder length or just a small trim?"

I was about to answer when suddenly, something huge strikes my brain.

A plan.

I know that this is going to be a huge failure, but it is worth a try and this trial would lead me straight back to the Agostini son.

A huge smile appeared on my face and I jolted up from the bed. Louisa shrieked when I kissed her head.

"Thank you for asking me, Louisa. I would like to have it back to its original length."


Another day passed away and I was ready.

Ready to jump straight into the lion's mouth.

And I was making a huge smiley face because I knew that I was going to fail very badly, probably end up being held at gunpoint for the fourth time in two weeks and who knows? Get shot.

Currently, I'm sweeping the ground floor of the mansion with Rylie and a few other maids while the men in suits were walking here and there, engrossed in files or talking to each other in rapid Italian.

I took a deep breath and dropped my broom, earning a few turn of heads but they ignored me. I walked straight out of the main door. As expected, the guards blocked my way and gave me an eye piercing look while slowly raising their gun in my direction.

I grinned. "Hi! Can I walk out of this house and never return again? Permission to escape?"

Their eyes popped out of their sockets and I saw one guard whispering something on a walkie talkie while the other grabbed my arm and pulled it behind my back.

"Well, well. Don't touch me so fast. I'm still a virgin and I would really like it slow at first." I joked.

I swear, I saw some tint of redness on the guard's cheek before he pushed me against the wall and tied my hands with something I couldn't make out. Probably handcuffs? Oh yeah, they are handcuffs.

"Ooh, kinky. Can I keep them for later?" I whispered hoarsely in the man's ear.

"Donna, sta 'zitto!"

I laughed and followed the guards to the stairwell then my attention went to Rylie who was staring at me in shock.

"Bye, Rylie! I love you. Make sure you have your lunch on time!"

That poor woman must think that I have gone crazy.

I followed the men to the third floor of the mansion and my eyes brightened up when I saw a familiar man standing in front of a familiar door, talking to someone.

"Hey Adrian!"

His head turned in my direction and just like those guards, his eyes popped out too.

"Rap—what the fuck have you done to your hair? You have short hair!"

I grinned. "You like it? A very fine lady asked my permission to cut them off."

He shook his head and motioned the rest of the men to leave then took off the cuffs from my hands. "Just like you asked the permission for running away? What the hell is wrong with you?"

I giggled and rubbed my wrists. "I'm fine. Just suffering from lack of sleep and appetite. No worries."

He frowned. "You know that your life lies in the hands of the capo?"

"Si. It has been ever since I landed on him so what's the harm in reminding him?" I smirked.

"You are crazy."

I sighed loudly and cocked my head towards the door. "Is he in there?" He nodded in response. "Then what are we waiting for? Take me to him and let me get some official permission to escape!"

I was about to knock on the door but Adrian's hand grabbed my wrist.

"Not so soon, Amelia. The capo is busy and he ordered not to disturb him for the next thirty minutes." Adrian stated firmly.

"Why? What is he doing for thirty minutes?" I asked curiously.

His eyes lit up in a very strange manner. "You would be surprised by what a man can do in thirty minutes."

"What do you mean?"

"Just stay under my watch for thirty minutes."

"No can do, Waxing." I teased. "I didn't put my hand in the lion's mouth only to find that he's not closing it. I'm going in."

I didn't listened to Adrian's protest, opened the door of his office and went in.

But when my eyes went to the table and saw two naked figures, joined together in a very visible manner, I screamed.


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