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*Hermione sits on park swings.Mark comes running up to her carrying a giant fluff ball*

Mark: Hey Hermy.

Hermione: Hey Ark. Who's the giant fluff ball slobbering on my knee? 

Mark: Oh. Sorry. This is Oliver the fluffiest fluffball of Awaken Estate.

Hermione: Well, hello Oliver. *Scraches Oliver behind the ear* Guess what????

Mark: What!?!?!

Hermione: I brought a surprise for you.

Mark: What is it?

Hermione: *Holds out container* Fried Rice!!!!

Mark: Oh, Cool Hermy. But you did't have to make this for me.

Hermione: I didn't make it for you. We had Fried Rice for dinner last night. What your eating is leftovers.

Mark: Oh. That makes me feel un-special.

Hermione: Hey. Don't be sad.I did go through all the time and effort to heat it up for you.

Mark: Well, in that case. . . I'm feeling extremely special. *Eats Fried Rice*

Hermione: Is it any good?

Mark: Yeah. It's amazing. Your mum's an amazing cook.

Hermione: Thanks. I just need my container back, or my mum wil kill me.

Mark: Ok. Cool. *Hands over container and fork*

Hermione: Thanks. I had forgotten I had given you a fork.

Mark: Well what was i going to eat with?

Hermione: Your face.

Oliver(dog): I wonder if i pee on this girl, will i get to go home?  *Pees on Hermione*

Hermione: OOHH. Oliver!!!!!

Mark: Oh My God. I'm so sorry. God Oliver you just had to do that on Hermione, you could'nt have possibly aimed the other way.

Hermione: I've gotta go home and wash off, but i'll text you when i'm done

Mark: OK. Bye Hermy. Sorry about the pee.

Hermione: Bye Ark.

Mark: Bye. Come on Oliver, let's go home.

Oliver(dog): YES!!!!!


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