"Well, let's see, but thank you, Mr. Hyun, I'm waiting here."

He came back fifteen minutes later. Too long compared to his confidence in finding the right night cream. He brought my tote bag in, instead of my night cream pot in.

"Did you find it?" I asked.

"Yes, it must be inside here. I also took the rest of the gang and your clothes too so you can take a bath here too for tomorrow morning."

I chuckled, "you don't know which one do you, so you decided to bring everything, but, thank you. It would be nice if I don't have to go back to my room for taking a bath."

"Nope. I'm keeping you here."

He laid back on the bed and got busy with his phone while I started my night skincare routine.

"Babe.." Bin called me.


"Babe, Choi Jaewook is poisoned. He is in critical condition and has officially stated not fit for running the presidential election."

"Poisoned? That is a strong accuse. Who told you?"

"Youngjae texted me. This is so bizarre. Who wants to hurt a candidate? We know Youngjae doesn't agree with his Dad running for election, he is worried about such things like this."

"That is horrible. I hope he is alright and recovers soon."

"Do you know him personally?"

"I do. Honestly, he is a nice man and loved by the public, especially women. He has a strong fan base, mostly women."

"Hah, are you talking about his son?"

"No...oh God, are you jealous?" I chuckled.

"Sounds like you were talking about the nice and loved by women Choi Youngjae."

"So what if he's nice and loved by women? I thought who I love is more important here."

"Yes, and who's the lucky guy?"

"This guy," I ran my fingers on his hair, "President Hyun's playboy son. Former playboy. I've tamed him, haven't I?"

"You have. But what if things were different, that President Choi's son was the one who's going to marry you? Would you say yes, too?"

"Of course, who dares to reject a special order from the president, anyway?"

"So marrying me was pure because of my Dad's order?"

"Honestly, yes."

"What..." he looked miffed.

"Who do you think you are, Hyun Bin? You might be hot and gorgeous, but.."

"Totally your type, am I? or am I not?"

"What makes you so sure?'

"Cause if I am not, you would already say yes to Youngjae years ago."

"That makes sense. Stop it. I don't like to compare between you and him. You both just getting along, don't start it. But, back in the car, you told me this morning that Shinhye is in Seoul now?"

"Yes, I thought you didn't listen to me. You were spacing out. Youngjae and Shinhye are an item now, by means like dating, not yet engaged or further. So...at at least his girlfriend is by his side during this hard moment. If I were him, I'd go crazy without you by my side."

"Good for them. She is a really nice girl, but whoever thought that she was a NIS agent? A perfect match for him."

"Babe, this isn't Youngjae or Shinhye related but I need to say this. I really like how you have been treating me since you found me here in England. You are so sweet, so kind, at first I didn't believe that you have changed but you have proved to me. Don't stop being the new Hyun Bin I love."

"I want to know how to be a better person, and I want to learn it from you. With you."

"Don't ever let me go."

"I love you so much, Son Yejin, I've gotten everything I wanted, but then it wasn't everything I wanted anymore. I just want you."

That night, we were spending the night on his bed as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

Back in London, we still owned, by my case rented, our own place as I wished to. I wanted to move to his place but slowly, starting by frequently coming there to have dinner together, and sometimes he came to my flat and had dinner there.  I was planning to move to his penthouse after this Seoul trip.

Cuddling was becoming more frequent, and sometimes I slept in his place and went back to my apartment in the morning. Sex became his favorite and his way to release stress after a bad day in the stock market.

The nicer he treats me outside the bedroom, the naughtier I will be inside. We were so happy and content, just like how newlyweds would be.

He still never let me walking back alone or going back from work alone. If not because something else was really urgent, he would pick me up from work.

I have moved to a crisis management consulting firm by Park Heesoo's recommendation. My new boss was impressed with my resume. A 28 years old Bachelor of Law, who jumped from an intern in Park Heesoo and associates to President Hyun's crisis management staff in Blue House, maintaining an image for the Hyun family from unpleasant issues, especially their son.

Little they knew that I also married the job.

Tomorrow, Bin and I were going to fly to Seoul. Paying respect to his parents and to be present on Hyun Woosung's last days as President Hyun. There would be some state lunch and dinner, and to be presented as necessary, Bin was his only son anyway.

He gave his parents the head ups that I'd be joining the trip and asked for their blessing to keep what we have here, even though I was no longer being assigned for this marriage. Bitterly but necessary, Bin also told them about my unfortunate blighted ovum case so everyone shall behave and avoid uncomfortable topics around me.

I was traumatic but I was not that fragile, but that was just how my Bin trying to take care of my feelings.

We fly commercial to Seoul. On the plane, I read breaking news that Choi Jaewook's health condition was worsening after fell sick a month ago.

"Baby, if you don't mind, I want to pay a visit to Choi Jaewook in the hospital while we were in Seoul. I felt bad for Youngjae," I said.

"Yeah, of course. I'd like to go with you."

"So tragic. He tried hard so your Dad can't run for reelection but now he can't too."

"But Youngjae is right. Becoming a president comes with endless life threats. Shinhye personally helps him with the investigation on who had put the poison to Jaewook and who ordered it."

"Whoever it was, I hope will be soon captured and doesn't have any connection with us. I am scared."

"Anyway we'll still have PSS agents guarding us until the inauguration ceremony, but then only my parents that going to still have their service up until the next 10 years. Do you want me to hire private bodyguard services for you, after that?"

"Only when we were in South Korea, I guess. Thank you for offering, though. By the way, with things have been cleared up between President Hyun and me, I hope to see Park Heesoo too in the last state banquet."

"I don't know about him, but that would be nice. Mom has becomes very emotional about the last state banquet. You should help her."

"I will. Well, let's see how the last days for Tiger1 and Amethyst1 are going to be. I feel like those are gonna be epic."

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