11. The Abandoned Mansion

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(Hello everyone....
I'm back with another chapter!
Final Fantasy 7 and Assassins Creed are not mine. The art was made by Onizukka on deviant art.
Please check them out for more content.

Desmond led the group through the beaten path up towards the empty mansion. He did not know why but he became very alert and tense half way through the walk. Ace became more awake sensing something was wrong and just like that Cloud and Tifa woke up from their exhaustion and became alert as well. It was hard not to become wary with the heavy tension and wariness in the air. The four of them started to walk more quietly towards the mansion, two of them wondering what was going to happen. As they got closer to the gate, they saw what looked like normal looking bats. At least, they looked normal till they opened their eyes and showed the mako glow.

Tifa gasped, "More experiments."

Ace snarled lowly, "Looks like it."

Cloud took out his blades, "What were they thinking leaving them here out in the open?"

Desmond took out his weapons, "Well, how about one last round of fighting before sleep? It'll be good training, I say."

Ace, "Sure!" 

Tifa nodded, "Right!" 

Cloud, "Count me in!"

Desmond looked at the monsters with yellow glowing eyes, "There are eight of them so everyone take two each. From what I can see three have fire, three have water and two have poison as their elements. Wait, all of them have poison as an element, so watch out for the poison attacks. As for the other two elements only three of them have fire and three water, should be interesting to fight."

Ace, "Poison bat?"

Tifa grumbled, "More like Evil Poison Head."

Cloud deadpanned, "Well, they certainly aren't cute heads."

The four of them attacked the monsters that had started to move towards them with the intention of having dinner. Desmond moved towards the two in the back that he knew had a water and fire elemental after dodging the ones in front. Cloud took on the two infront of them, he sliced their wings up making them have a harder time to fly. Tifa took the ones on Ace's right, she punched one of the bat like monster so hard, it shot off and hit the wall of the mansion getting knocked out. She then dodged the other one that almost bit on her hand. Ace had to bite his lips from shouting K.O. at the instant win. Ace fought with the other two especially the one that had a fire elemental. 

He used a fireball to burn one of the bats to a crisp but the second one had an affinity for fire making it a bit difficult to burn. Desmond used the lightning materia to kill the bat with a water affinity, he shot a powerful Thundaga, to burn it and almost got the other one. The one that escaped had a fire affinity and used mini fireballs to attack Desmond that he had to dodge. As Desmond dodged his eyes fell on a few sharp pebbles that he decided to pick up and throw at the bat as distractions. While the bat was busy attacking the pebbles hitting it painfully, Desmond got closer to the bat and in one swift movement cut it's head off from it's body.

Cloud was having a fun time with his own two bat thingy monsters. Even after being unable to fly properly they still kept attacking him trying to bite him with their fangs. The blond admittedly might have been taking his frustration out on the monsters. He was exhausted, sleep deprived and had the suspicion that his dad might have been killed intentionally, ringing in the back of his head. Cloud noticed their fangs dripped from poison and avoided them. It didn't stop him from fighting however.

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