8. The Forest Trail

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(Hello everyone...
I'm back! Assassins Creed and Final Fantasy 7 does not belong to me.
The art is from Pinterest.

Desmond led the group of four through the forest. He observed his team and made profiles on them, a habit from the past. He could not break it even if he wanted to. They had been teaching Cloud how to fight and move stealthily, from all the street brawl styles to the methods that the Creed used. He took to learning them like he was born for it and despite it only being a year, he was pretty decent at the beginner techniques. As for Ace, he had a lot of knowledge on training methods and fighting techniques, the only problem was he lacked practice and experience using them. And finally Tifa, she had been training under Master Zangan but even she did not have any real experience. The reason being her father going overprotective Papa wolf on her. The profiles were as follows in his head.

Name: Cloud Strife
Age: 12
Species: Human
Status: Beginner
Skills: Stealth of a beginner Assassin, beginner materia user, beginner fighter.
Magic Abilities: Healing spell
Battle Equipment: An Assassin blade, Heal materia and a hunting Dagger.

Name: Ace Miles
Age: 13 (currently)
Species: Human, formerly ancient artifact
Status: Unknown knowledge of fighting styles and training methods
Applicability level: Unknown
Skills: Stealth, Observation, Materia finder
Magic Abilities: Fire and Healing Spells
Battle Equipment: Assassin's blade, Magic Materia, Heal Materia and a Trench knife.

Name: Tifa Lockhart
Age: 11
Species: Human
Status: Beginner martial artist
Skills: Hand to Hand combat
Magic skills: None
Battle Equipment: Fighting Gloves and Boots

Name: Desmond Miles
Age: 18
Species: Human
Status: Assassin
Skills: Street fighting, silent kill, stealth, hand to hand combat
Magic skills: Eagle vision, Thunder spells
Battle Equipment: Assassin's blade, Thunder Materia and personally crafted hand gun.

As the four trudged on Cloud and Ace were telling Tifa about the Eagles Vision, while Tifa told them about the training she had to do at the dojo. It was a very lively atmosphere and Desmond relaxed and smiled listening to the chatter behind him as he lead the way. Tifa was also giggling while gushing over Cloud's disguise which made him turn pink while asking about their ability.

Tifa, "I followed you a few months ago."

Ace, "I had a feeling someone was following us."

Cloud looked at him in disbelief, "You did, why didn't you say anything?"

Ace, "The Eagles vision did not show her as an enemy, only curious."

Cloud turned pink again, "But but still. That was embarrassing."

Tifa, "It was not that bad,plus you looked so pretty in that dress, I especially loved the wings."

Ace preened, "Why thank you ~ I had to mess around with my materia and manipulate my magic quite a lot to get it right."

Cloud conceded, "It was very impressive, I bet the vision helped too. I can't wait to get mine."

Tifa, "So, are you close to getting the vision, Cloud?"

Cloud nodded, "I think so, I just don't know how to activate it."

Ace pat Cloud on his back, "Don't worry, when you are ready, it'll activate itself. Just follow your instinct and do not force it."

Cloud smiled, "I'm getting better at casting heal and cure as well."

Tifa, "I have been wanting to ask... Where did you get the materia? They don't just appear out of nowhere."

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