19. To be or Not to be

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(Hello everyone!
Assassins Creed and Final Fantasy 7 are not mine. The pic above is a screenshot.

Genesis was the second in command after the Great General Sephiroth. Scratch that he is the youngest second in command, after the youngest General in the Shinra army. So why, just why was he stuck in the building doing paperwork when the General and the youngest third in command was out doing missions! He should just burn this item from hell to smithereens, in fact it was very tempting to just do that. Why did he need to sign off how much toiletries was needed by the SOLDIERs, they should be able to request it themselves. He is not a mind reader for Gaia's sake, how would he know how much one person needs. Everyone is different, just take the three of them for example.

Genesis took a breath, 'Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!'

A knock came from the door and his personal teacher walked in grinning. The three youngest had gotten their own personal teachers after they became SOLDIER Thirds. Sephiroth had Terra who was currently teaching the younger recruits after Sephiroth had surpassed him. Angeal's teacher was Aeleus who passed away a few months ago during a mission gone awry, protecting his newest student, Kunsel. An honorable death, for an honourable SOLDIER and teacher. Kunsel was now training with Hewley, besides Zack Fair and one of the Turks as well. He was not sure which one but he knows he was being trained under them because of his penchant to be able to collect information.

Genesis, "Ansen, what brings you here?"

Ansen gave a grin, "I thought a break from work would be good for you and I."

Genesis looked at his papers, "Yes, yes it will."

Ansen smirked, "Come, there's a new interesting play coming up."

Genesis scoffed, "Nothing in this world can beat my dear Loveless."

Ansen chuckled, "Indeed, but it doesn't mean you can't try other plays. It's called Hamlet, written by a writer that goes by, The Golden Apple."

Genesis quirked an eyebrow, "That's an interesting pen name."

Ansen, "Hmm. Looks like Sephiroth finished his mission early."

Genesis looked at the helicopter podium, "He looks worse for wear. I'm gonna go steal him."

Sephiroth walked tensed across the landing podium, 'It is over. Relax! Though Heidegger is making me feel murderous. Calm! Calm!'

Genesis, "Seph!"

Genesis smirked as he saw Sephiroth's eyes light up slightly on seeing him, "We are going to see a new play."

Sephiroth raised an eyebrow, "Is it another new rendition of Loveless?"

Genesis huffed walking beside him, "I wish, but no, it is actually a new play that came out called Hamlet, by a brand new author. I just heard about it today, honestly."

Sephiroth looked at where Ansen was and nodded in respect, "I see, I suppose you want me to accompany you to this new play."

Genesis, "Correct, I would have called Ange but he is babysitting his two students in their first mission as 3rd class SOLDIERs."

Sephiroth snorted, "I see."

Genesis, "We'll be taking Ansen's car, so go clean up and join us at the garage."

Before Genesis could finish Sephiroth had disappeared and walking towards his apartment like a man on a mission. The sight made Genesis shake his head, moments like this made him think about what he and Angeal learned about their friend. The three of them had barely talked to each other in the beginning. Angeal and Genesis sticking to each other and Sephiroth sticking out as a sore thumb among the others. It was during a mission where they were stuck together separated from the other members, that Genesis decided to pester Sephiroth to spend time.

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