13. The Stranger

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(Hello everyone!
I'm so happy to see so many people enjoying this book.
Final Fantasy 7 and Assassins Creed are not mine. The art is made by Timelessvalentine on deviant art. Check out their profile for more amazing masterpieces.

Ace ran after Cloud worried about him, he knew Cloud would react this way to learning how his father was killed, but was not prepared for it either way. Cloud went outside the mansion and stood looking towards the reactor with a blank empty look in his eyes. He was having a hard time trying to process what he just learned.

Cloud, 'Dad was killed! It was not an accident! Dad was killed! Miss Ifalna knew it! Dad was killed! It was most possibly Hojo who killed him..... Wait... What do I say to mom?'

Cloud heard Ace following him and standing beside him. He felt a little guilty making him worry but he was feeling too distraught to care. Ace stood beside him not saying anything for a while, though Cloud wished he said something. Ace hugged him from behind, after waiting for five minutes, Cloud was thankful for the silent support either way.

Ace, "Cloud? You want to stay here for a bit?"

Cloud nodded, "Mnn!"

Ace let go and put his hand over Cloud's shoulder as he stood there, before Cloud turned and hugged Ace, hiding his face on his shoulder and let out a stifled sob. Ace just held Cloud as he felt his shoulder get wet but he did not say anything about it. Ace half wondered, if their Aunt knew about this or if they would have to be the ones to inform her instead.

Ace grimaced, 'She is going to be heart broken, if she learns about this from us.'

Ace and Cloud stood there quietly outside the mansion. Cloud crying silently on his shoulder and Ace running his hand through his blond hair in silent comfort. Ace half thought Cloud's hair was really very soft to touch. They stayed that way till Cloud stopped crying and looked up with red eyes, sniffling a little. Ace stood there holding him as he calmed down and stopped sniffling.

Ace wiped his tears, "You know, I don't like seeing you cry or upset. I don't know, if it's the big brother in me or just in general. I hate seeing you hurt like this. I really want to punch this Hojo fellow now."

Cloud gave a laugh, "You are the best big brother and friend I have Ace. Thank you!"

Ace shook his head, "Don't thank me for this, Cloud. Just know, if you ever need anything I will always be here."

Cloud smiled, "We should return, we probably made them worried about us!"

Ace nodded and followed Cloud inside to the kitchen where they could hear the tea kettle whistling. Tifa was standing near the stove with a far away look on her face. It seems Cloud was not the only one affected by what happened today. Ace walked over to Tifa and tapped her shoulder startling her, he gave her a concerned look to which she just smiled back.

Tifa, "Tea is ready. Let's go join Desmond. He's searching the library right now."

Cloud nodded, "Mnn, I'll get the tray and cups, if you are carrying the kettle, Ace."

Ace took the kettle, "Sure~ You made the tea Tif, let us carry it."

Tifa simply smiled and led the way to the library, opening the door for her friends. They went inside looking for Desmond to find him by a bookshelf that started to move out of the way, showing a darkened path going downstairs. The older man had removed a fancy looking book that triggered the secret door. Ace looked deadpanned at the secret path, while Cloud and Tifa looked flabbergasted.

Ace, "This mansion has more secrets than a labyrinth."

Desmond turned to them, "You all alright?"

Cloud nodded, "We are fine, got a little shocked, but we are okay."

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