A snoring Akira laid under a tree with her jacket covering her face. She groanedwhen she felt presence of whom she recognise.

"Aren't you supposed to be on your way to the Hokage?" Akira removed her jacket and looked at the older young woman.

"I'm supposed to be" She muttered " But I'm tired" Yakusoku laughed taking Akira'shand and helping her up "I'm not joking, Hokage-sama gave me this intense training everyday I almost forgot what dayis it" Shi picked up het jacket and removed the grass that stuck to It.

"How do you even cope with that in this heat?" The older girl asked

"I'm just used to it" She shrugged "Besides it's not everyday, sometimes I just fasten it on my waist" The two walked togather to the village and to the Hokage tower.

When they reached Akira knocked at the farmilia voice if the old man was heard behind the door They entered and bowed in respect.

"Hokage-sama, you wanted to we me?" Hiruzen looked up from his papers and to the little girl, he nodded to the anbu and Yakusoku bowed before leaving.

"Tomorrow is the last test of the chunin exams " He started "And you have been training for the past month and I fathom you have had a few thoughts as to why so suddenly I wanted you to progress" Akira nodded.

She thought back to everyday of training and testing her abilities. She had wondered why the Hokage had been bent and serious about Akira improving her skills. It would have been sooner but the visions that she saw had become more frequently and  she had been peacing everything togather and it would have been easy if she remembered what was happening in her dreams.

"Are you listening child?" The Hokage asked "You look like your worried"

"Mhm" She cleared her throat "No, no I'm fine" She rubbed the back of her head nervously "Uh, what where you saying?"

"I was aking whether you had a clue as to why I suddenly engulfed you in training?" Akira raised an eyebrow.

"Hokage-sama I think we both know we do but I just want to ask if it's aloud because I didn't participate in the first nor the second parts of the exam"

"Well Ididn't think you were ready to participate but I reconsidered when i had a talk with Kakashi, he did say you made positive progress on your skills" He clarified "And since this is the last day, there is one more thing that I have to show you" He smiled getting up and walking to the door "Come, come"

Electricity bounced from the tree to Akira as she let her justu die down. She wiped the beads of sweat that came down. Panting she sat down pushing back her hair that was wet with sweat. She did a small fire justu to dry herself of.

Grinning she looked at her hands with a happy and excited glint. She was very happy that she had also gained a justu to use as her own ad she already thought of a way to use. She puffed out an exhausted sigh, she looked around and she remembered that the Hokage had to leave after he had a talk with her and shown her the handsigns of the justu she had to learn, even though she hadn't perfected it yet she was still excited and it came naturally as she was already training for it without even knowing.

She chuckled shaking her head "The Hokage knew what he was doing all along" She lied down, closing her eyes and let the excess chakra to flow around her body, healing herself.

A few hours later she got up from her power nap and ran to her and Naruto's house. She looked at the clock and she saw she was late.

"Wow I'm late" She said moving around and looking for clothes to wear.

"Oi!" Naruto shouted " Akira-chan, you missed my match" Naruto pouted, Akira smiled looking up Naruto with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to come a little earlier" She bowed and Naruto quickly stepped towards and her and made her stand straight.

"Its okay" He grinned "I won and now it is time to watch Sasuke and that scary kid's fight" He gestured to Sasuke and the Sand ninja.

Akira's eyes followed Naruto and there she saw the boy and Sasuke glaring at each other. She felt her heart quickening it's pace and she looked down from the stands her eyes then moved to the Hokage was sitting and she felt pain in her heart, her head pounding thinking about her vision.

A hand was placed on her shoulder and she turned around only to be face to face with her best friend, the Nara boy.

"You look a little spooked" He said "Are you fine?" He asked still his hand on Akira's shoulder "And you've gotten pale" He sounded truly concerned.

"Y-yeah" Akira cleared her throat "I-im" She looked at the Sand kage and turned back to Shikamaru "I want to say I'm okay but I have a bad feeling, I feel like something huge and bad is going to going to happen but I can't exactly put my finger on it" She sighed feeling a little satisfied with herself "We have to keep an eye out" She declared.

Kakashi on the other hand hears what the konoichi said and he looked at his fellow jonins. Asuma looked at Hanashi, who also was looking at him.

"There visions are so accurate that they all came true, so it is not best to ignore her" She declared "And most of the time we have them when something bad happens to our family and loved ones, so it might be possible someone's life is going to end today all we can do is try to help and not stop what we saw"

"Did you mention that to her?" Kakashi enquired.

"Yes, I did but I doubt she'll listen" She sighed running a hand through her hair "I have been meaning to say, some of the students from my village have gone missing" She looked at Asuma "After this can you talk with Lord Hokage about this"

"Yes we will look into it" He smiled reassuringly.

AKIRA SASAKI [NARUTO]Where stories live. Discover now