Chapter 16

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She hurried down the stairs quickly as she tried to ignore all the familiar faces that she felt like were gawking at her, after word slowly started to spread about her showdown with Rebekah in Stefan's office, just an hour earlier. Elena knew that she needed to make it home before word got out to Stefan about what was going on, outing Rebekah was supposed to be his doing. Instead it turned out to be hers.

But just as she was about to make her way to the parking garage and go straight to her car, she heard Damon's familiar voice stop her in her tracks. Thankfully, he was alone and his hands were full of takeout food bags from Baja Fresh. Elena turned around slowly and smiled when she heard his footsteps come closer towards her.

"So how did it go?" He asked, placing the bags of food on top of her car trunk as he smiled at her.

"Me outing Rebekah? Worked like a charm. Only thing I have left to do is find that other stalker-ish crazy brunette called Katherine Pierce." Elena told him as she rolled her eyes at her name.

"Elena, why are you going on a crazy path of revenge. You don't even know these women...Have Stefan handle it." Damon told her with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Have Stefan handle it? Damon, Your brother was drunk last night. He was so drunk and sick with worry that Rebekah was going to take everything away from him. So, no...I'm not letting Stefan 'handle' it. I'm making sure that these two women that have made your brother's life a living hell are going to pay for everything that they've done." Elena told him in an annoyed tone as she scoffed at his solution...Letting Stefan handle it..

"You don't think he's going to find out, Elena? He will. I bet you money that the moment you left Rebekah in his office, alone. That, she called him to complain about his crazy girlfriend." Damon told her as he picked up his takeout bags and then glanced over at Elena who was starting to unlock her car door.

"That's where you come in. You make sure, he doesn't find out. It's the least you can do to make up for everything you've done. And, Damon...I'm not crazy...I'm vengeful, there is a difference." Elena told him with a huff as he watched her open the driver's side of her car door and hop in.

Damon shook his head as he watched Elena start the car and put it in drive, driving forward and out of the parking garage without another word and leaving Damon to really think about what she was asking him...helping her to put Rebekah and Katherine away for good.


Elena quietly made her way into Stefan's house as she slipped off her red high heels at the door and slowly shut the door behind her. She walked into the kitchen and glanced around the living room, she didn't see him anywhere. But, she knew that he was home because his Porsche was sitting in the driveway.

"Stefan?" Elena called out as she made her way throughout the house, still not hearing him speak up. Until, she heard one of her favorite Ron Pope song's being played from what sounded like his Ipod and coming from the his bedroom.

"Stefan?" She called out again over the music as she slowly stepped into the bedroom. The lights were dimly lit, red rose petals were scattered on the floor of his room as the music continued to play. Elena heard what sounded like the water running and then it shut off as she slowly took her jacket off, her back turned towards the bathroom door as she smiled when she heard his footsteps and the bathroom door open slightly, she turned towards him as she heard him come closer.

"Your home." He commented with a gleeful smile. Stefan's hair was dripping wet and a white towel covered part of his body as he stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to her, kissing her on the forehead softly.

"Yeah. Are you feeling better?" She asked, matching his gleeful smile and cheerful attitude.

"Yeah, I am. Now." Stefan said with a laugh as he smiled at her and then placed his hands on her back, softly running his wet hands up and down her cream colored shirt as she groaned at his touch.

"Babe... You're the reason I come home...Ron Pope? Hehe..." Elena said with a giggle as her voice trailed off, watching with wide eyes as Stefan placed his finger onto her lips and silenced her with a kiss. " Yeah, I've missed you." He told her against her lips.

Elena wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back and then with a kiss on his cheek she pushed herself away from him slightly and continued to look around the room, noticing for the first time that there were candles dimly lit around the bed and from what she could tell on the bathroom sink as well.

"What's all this?" She asked in a curious tone as she watched Stefan tighten the towel around his waist and then he looked up and smiled at her with a glistening green gaze.

"Elena, I know that we've been only dating for a few months now. But, when I'm not with you...when I'm alone. I miss you like hell when I wake up in the middle of the night and the spot where you sleep is empty, I miss you and wish that you were there, beside me every morning and every night. I don't want to feel lonely anymore. I love you, Elena. I love you so much and this...well, I wanted to ask you something." Stefan said in a casual tone as he watched Elena's brown eyes widen and she slowly took a seat on his bed, smiling at how composed and in control of his emotions he seemed to be now.

"What do you want to ask me?" Elena said as another giggle escaped her lips and she watched Stefan run his hands through his wet hair.

"I don't know how I would of ever been able to move on if I hadn't met you and in the short time that we've known each other..You've changed my life for the better. I don't know if it's too soon to even ask this, considering that we've only really been together for four months straight...But-" Stefan began to say as an impatient Elena spoke first.

"Stefan, you're not breaking up with me are you?" She asked him jokingly as she watched him give her a huge smile and laughter filled the bedroom.

Elena watched him nod. "No, of course not! What I'm trying to say is...I want you. Here, with me like for as long as you want..I mean, if you want. I know that Rebekah is going to take this damn place. But, I want you with me..I guess what I'm trying to say is...Damn it! Elena, will you move in with me?" Stefan said with a laugh as he watched her automatically stop laughing and glance over at him with a sudden serious facial expression on her face.

"You're not joking..are you?" She asked him as she crossed her legs over each other and leaned back into the bed. Stefan nodded a No as he smiled at her again and waited for her to respond.

"Yes! Yes, a million times, yes. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, I love you too." She told him as she felt the bed dip with his weight, his bright green eyes and a grin on his face confirmed it. He was beyond happy to hear her say it. Stefan leaned over her on the bed and kissed her lips softly as she wrapped her arms around him and let out another laugh before he flipped them over on the bed and left kisses up and down her exposed neck.

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