Chapter 9

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He woke up alone as he stretched out his arms and quickly noticed the cold spot on the mattress that she had been occupying all the way up until a certain point. Stefan didn't need to call out her name to know that Elena had probably felt embarrassed for sleeping with him, especially since he was her boss. She had probably left only a few hours ago because the pillow that she had been laying on was still slightly warm to the touch.

He got up slowly as he wondered what she must have been thinking when she had fallen asleep in his arms and he hadn't let her go from them at all, during the night. He smiled to himself as he lifted his sore and tired body up from the mattress and walked into his bathroom to take a shower and reluctantly wash the scent of her off of his body.


It was 6:30 in the morning when she walked into her half still packed and boxed up apartment. She felt like she hadn't been home in days as she turned the lights on in the living room and watched as the lights flickered on. But just as she had breathed a sigh of relief for leaving his house without having to face the embarrassing fact that she had slept with him...too soon.

Elena heard her cell phone in the pocket of her black jacket buzz with life. "It's six thirty in the morning...who would be calling me now." She mumbled to herself as she grabbed the buzzing cell phone and answered it with an annoyed tone.

"So, I leave for New Zealand on vacation and that's how you treat your best friend...classy, Elena." She commented with what Elena knew was a roll of Bonnie's hazel colored eyes. Her best friend since childhood, the one who had encouraged Elena to take the job in Downtown Chicago and because of her, Elena had accepted the challenge of starting a new chapter in her life.

"I'm sorry; I had a late night...Ha." Elena told her with a slight laugh and then she heard Bonnie gasp with surprise.

"Was that a sex you know, when some girls have that whole...after glow." She commented as she heard Elena let out another laugh.

"Sex Laugh? Bonnie. You've been out of the states too, When are you coming home?" She asked her curiously.

"Not so fast. You first tell me that you had a late night last night and then you laugh all...giggly and..warm...Who is he...God, I hope it's not Damon!" Bonnie commented as she let out a breath and waited for her best friend's response.

"God No! Damon? Bonnie, you seem to forget that Damon and Caroline are engaged and he gave her a rock the size of a grape that she seems to flash and wave around only when I'm in their vicinity...So, No..It is definitely, not Damon." Elena corrected quickly.

"So, then who is the guy that is making my best friend all...giddy?" Bonnie asked, trying to fish for as much information as possible.

"It's Damon's brother....his brother. Stefan." Elena replied quietly and then she shook her head when she heard Bonnie let out a loud gasp.

"Stefan Salvatore! The Lawyer! I thought he was divorced or whatever.....How long has this been going on?" Bonnie asked.

"Umm...since, I started working for him as his assistant...about a week ago." Elena said in a shy tone and then she heard Bonnie let out a small chuckle.

"A week ago? Elena, have you lost your mind! What's everyone at that office going to say?" Bonnie asked as she let out an exhaled breath and then she heard Elena inhale deeply.

"I guess, I'll find out when I get there." Elena commented as she looked over at the roman clock on her wall and noticed that she still had an hour before she faced what she surely knew would be the gossip mill or what she liked the think of it more as...the firing squad!

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