Chapter 13

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It had been nearly two weeks since Elena had seen Damon at work or even talked to him after she had learned that he was the one spreading the office gossip around the 3rd and 5th floor of Wilmington & Collins.

Yet, Stefan had tried to calm her nerves and tell her with his soothing words, to not worry about what everyone else was going to think. She still was pretty pissed off that Damon would stoop that low and tell everyone about her personal life.

"It wasn't fair what he did!" She told Stefan as she leaned her head against his arm as they sat on the sofa in his office.

"I know. But, Elena. He's always been like that and he's not going to change for anyone. I'm not defending Damon at all but when I actually tried to talk to him about all the shit that he's pulled these last few days, he just blew me off and told me that he had to go. He even had the nerve to talk like he had no idea what I was even talking to him about." Stefan explained in a flustered tone as he took his free hand and rested it gently on her knee cap.

"I know he's always been a jerk. But, really. I never went around the office and told everyone that he was sleeping around with Caroline. I mean, I did have a bit of a freak out when I saw them in one of the elevator's and I yelled at both of them like a total crazy ex-girlfriend..Ha, now that I think about it, it was pretty ridiculous to yell at someone in a public place like that. Especially, my own work place." She explained as she shook her head in embarrassment.

"Hey, enough about Damon and Caroline. Go out with me tonight?" Stefan told her with a slight grin on his face as he changed the subject.

"Stefan, I don't..." She began to say as he placed his finger onto her lips, silencing her instantly.

"Sh...I don't give a damn what they're going to say. All I care about is whether you're going to agree or not. Because, if you don't then I'll probably have to go kick Damon's ass and make him realize that even though I am his younger brother..he can't screw around with my life." Stefan told her simply as he leaned into her and gave her a sweet slow kiss.

Stefan smiled slightly at her as he brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and then he asked in a serious tone. "Go out with me and make me a happy guy..Let's start over." Stefan told her.

Elena nodded her head at him as she leaned her forehead against his."Okay, I'd like that." She told him as she leaned into him and kissed his soft pink lips.


It's not like he had thought it through when he had told her that he wanted to start over with her. But, Stefan had planned their whole night out and he surely didn't want anything to ruin it. That was until he got a phone call from Rebekah's divorce lawyer.

"Mr. Salvatore, I'm sorry to be calling you so late at night, this is Robert Morrison, I'm Rebekah Mikealson's lawyer. But, I wanted to inform you of my client's latest demands." He bickered over the phone.

"Demands? Last time I checked, Rebekah and I were getting a divorce and she told me that she didn't want anything. That I could have it all." Stefan told him as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Is that so? That's not what she told me this afternoon when I met with her in my office. Look, Mr. Salvatore. My client wants the house. Plain and simple. It will be included into the settlement along with the $500,000 in emotional damages." He informed him.

"Emotional Damages? For what? Look, Robert or whatever your name is. She cheated on me and now she's acting like the victim here. I swear I didn't do anything to her and I don't owe her anything." Stefan tried to explain as he heard the lawyer exhale deeply.

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