The Scent Of Blood

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 Cold, wet, musty scents filled my nose and made me want to hurl. I didn't know where we were, but I could hear Ames breathing near me, knocked out still. I opened my eyes, pushed down the fear of what I'd see. Everything was blurry for a moment, I couldn't tell what I was seeing. After a moment my eyes cleared up, I noticed my hands were no longer tied. Instead.. my ankle had a thick chain on it that was fixed to the floor. Ames was the same. I finally looked around more, sure enough- we were in a damp cell somewhere. There were no cots, nothing. Just a hole to relieve ourselves when we needed and some hay in a corner. No blankets... nothing. I could feel the tears stinging my cheeks, this was horrible... we were surely going to die here...

"Ci...trine?" Her soft voice shook. I felt guilt take over me, why hadn't I been more careful? This place was no different than the city, never trust anyone.. keep your head down.. and focus on where you're going. But no.. I must have given myself away to those men fighting in the road.. one of them must have followed us.. and once they realized we had no fucking clue- that's when they got to us.

"I'm here Ames.." I replied softly to her, she blinked a few times before she closed her eyes again.

"Up you two!" A loud bellow of a voice sounded. Light flickered as three men approached out cell. The first man to our right, heavy set and bearded. He was the gruff one who spoke, he also wore the same red armor as the man on the left. The man in the middle however, looked more like an old knight you read about in fairy tales.. only this was no fair tail and my money was on this guy being a real asshole.

"I'm going to ask you a series of questions, and you are going to answer them. If I think you're lying.. Brutus here will whip you." He said so arrogantly I wanted to speak up but considering the circumstances.. not a good idea. Apparently Brutus was the heavy bearded guy.

"If you refuse to answer, Lucas here will lay his blade to your skin... and maybe some other things." This man's voice was annoying me, and his words were making my skin crawl. What kind of sick twisted bastard smirked like that anyway?

"Well? Do you understand?" He asked. I looked at Ames who had curled herself into the fetal position against the stone wall of the cell. Her eyes were reddened from the tears that were silently streaming down her cheeks. I hated seeing her cry... she was too pure for this shit.

"Yes, I understand." I replied. I wasn't going to bother asking for jerks like these guys to let us go. We had been told... it was dangerous, we were wanted. So supposedly I guess we brought this on ourselves- that's what these sick fucks would like us to think.

"Good. Let's begin. I'll start off real simple- Where did you come from?" He asked. He knew we were human... he had to have, so was this some test to see if I'd answer truthfully?

"Another planet." I said in honesty. He smirked and nodded.

"And who are your mates?" He asked. I searched his face, would he actually believe the truth.. or no?

"We haven't-"

"You're telling me you want me to believe you've not been near your mates? You want me to think you don't know who they are? You're taking me for a fool." His smirk turned to a sneer, his eyes bore into mine almost burning my eyes with his gaze.

"Brutus.... Smell her." His words made my eyes widen.

"Excuse me... what?" I asked. He grinned.

"Oh I'm sorry, Lucas- It seems the little lady would prefer you to smell her." He instructed the other man as he turned toward him. The man named Lucas licked his lips, making a slurping sound that made bile form in my throat. Oh hell no...

Dragon Kings: The Youthful King✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora