In The Moonlight

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(Jungkook's POV)

"Okay, so.. finally got word from North Tower. They're okay, but some weird shit is happening." Jimin explained as he entered my room. I was getting dressed and drying my hair after showering. I looked over at him with a puzzled expression.

"Weird shit?" I asked. He nodded and bit his bottom lip.

"Yeah. The group of rebels that the scouts saw headed for a second attack on the tower... stopped. Like... stop stopped. Namjoon sent the scouts out again and the scouts came back saying they're just... gone." He said slightly confused. "I mean... it makes no sense, it sure as hell doesn't make sense to Joon, Jin, and Hoseok."

"That does sound weird." I said as I finished pulling up my pants. I fixed my shirt and tossed my towel onto the bed lazily.

"Yeah, well. I'm waiting to see what he wants to do. Yoongi's doing better, but I've ordered him to take it easy." Jimin gave me a look, that look that says what I already knew- Telling Yoongi to take it easy when he was in battle mode was not a good idea.

"And how did that go?" I grinned, already knowing. In fact I was surprised I hadn't heard Yoongi tearing the palace apart.

"He put on his rare loud voice and laid into me about not telling him what to do. He cursed at me upside down and backwards, and then while he was in a bit of rage mode... I stuck him with a sedative." He smiled. "He's sleeping like a baby right now."

"You know you're life is in danger when he wakes up right?" I asked as I chuckled. Jimin's knowledge of medicines, poisons and such made him kind of scary, especially if he got angry. Yoongi was also quite scary, but Jimin usually had a plan to get himself out of trouble with all of us.

"Yeah, but I am swamped with work right now. Plus, he's going to have a lot of book keeping to do and Namjoon might need me to ride out to North Tower. So.. I'm covered." He chuckled a bit and I shook my head at him. I sat on my bed and my towel slid down onto the floor, as I reached down to grab it a piece of paper caught my attention. I set the towel on the chair near my bed and picked up the piece of parchment.
"What's that?" Jimin asked. I unfolded it and looked at it.

"It's nothing... just empty." I replied as I held the paper up so Jimin could see. The only noticeable thing was the wax seal.

"That's a strange seal." Jimin commented. I nodded and tucked the piece of paper into my pocket.

"So, shall we take a ride down to South Tower to make sure things are going okay there?" I asked him.

"Sure, it's not too far a ride and we can be back by nightfall. Which gets me clear of Yoongi." He smiled and I rolled my eyes at him. I followed him out of my room and down to the stables where we hopped up onto our steeds and headed south.


(Emerald's POV)

"So someone just left you this letter out of nowhere?" Ruby asked as we walked through the garden.

"Yeah, it was just there." I replied.

"Seems suspicious.." Saph added as she walked on my other side.

"Suspicious? It sounds sketchy as fuck. I'd tell the guards to be on the look out for someone sneaking into the palace. I mean... did we forget there are people literally trying to kill us out there?" Ruby asked with her ever so usual sass.

"Relax, stressing yourself isn't good for your baby." Saph commented. Ruby stuck her tongue out at her and Saph rolled her eyes. "Point here is we do need to be careful, and maybe you should tell one of the Kings. Hoseok would listen... well once he comes back from the North Tower." Saph sighed, clearly missing her husband.

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