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The day has come: the first of September. Varian woke up early to get himself ready for his first day of school in this time. He and (Y/n) had decided to meet in front of his house so they could go to the station togheter.

"The train arrives at 7:29, so we'll have to leave from your place at.... 6:55 to be surely on time. So be ready by then." She told him.

Now, it was 6:50, and Varian stood on the driveway, waiting for (Y/n). Yong was standing next to him, talking about how exited he was for their first day. Varin wasnt listening though, he kept thinking about seeing (Y/n) for longer then a minute. He was so caught up in his thoughts, he didn't even see her arrive. "VARIAN!" (Y/n) screamed and jumped towards him, hugging him tightly. "U-uh, hi (Y-y/n)." Varian felt the fammiliar heat rising to his cheeks again as he tried to tame his stuttering. "Come on, Varian. You've known her for so long, why are you still blushing and stuttering as soon as you see her?" He thought, even though he knew the answer for a long time. His little crush on (Y/n) only turned into a big crush, and was still continuing to grow. He wanted to ask het out, but he was too scared to be rejected, or worse, ruin their friendship. He was sure that she would be grossed out by the thought of dating Varian, but was too nice to show it. So he kept it to himself.

"Okay, so are we leaving!" The (color) haired girl chimed. Varian smiled at her exitement when she adjusted her bike. "Alright, follow me, and try to keep up, Shorty." She said and ruffled Yong's black hair. Varian chuckled at Yong's playfully angry look. "Same goes for Stripey, how cute he might be." "Ooh, Varian, you got yourself a girlfriend and you didnt even tell me? Im hurt." Varian turned around to see Hugo standing in the door. "Mind sharing her, its hard to resist such beauty." The blonde said slyly, winking at (Y/n). "Err, hi?" (Y/n) said, her cheeks dusted a light shade of pink. "Uh, so, (Y/n), this is my cousin, Hugo." They had decided to pretend to be family for as long as they were here, meaning Hugo was Rapunzel and Eugenes "son", Cassandra was Eugenes "sister" ans Varian and Yong were Cassandras "sons". They didnt know if people believed them, but no one asked questions, so they stuck with the story. "Nice to meet you, Hugo." (Y/n) said. Hugo grabbed her hand, bowing down to place a kiss on it. "I am honored to be allowed to admire your beauty, Milady." Varian felt his blood boil, but he could not show his jelousy in front of her. He glared at Hugo. Keep your hands off her, you understand! Hugo just answered with a smirk that said. I do what I want, she's still single. Varian growled lowly. "Let's go, we're going to be late." He abruptly said. "Okay, bye Hugo, nice meeting you." (Y/n) said before taking the lead. Varian followed her, taking some deep breaths. "Calm down Varian. He's just pushing your buttens like always. Ot meant nothing."

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