School and bullies

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(A/N) again, my apoligies for not updating, its been an unacceptable long time. I kinda forgot about this story, but since i have more free time now, ill update more. Thanks for your patience and lot of love for yall.

Tw: bullying

The ride to the station was peacefull, birds were chittering away in the trees and the roads were almost epmty. "Actually, what are you guys studying? Cause there's a bunch of interesting stuff there." (Y/n) turned her head to look at Varian and Yong. "Oh we're gonna do science, but I don't think Varian will need the classes. He's the number one alchemist at home, you know?" Yong smiled brightly. "Really, that's so cool! V, you never told me about that. I think chemistry and all that is real cool, but its not my best. Im better at biology so thats my course." "Ooh, thats nice (Y/n). You know, if you ever need help, Varian would love to help you. In fact, he even sa-" Yong was quickly shut up by Varian punching his arm. "Ahem, so biology, p-plants and stuff. What's your favourite part?" Varian said in hopes to prevent Yong from spilling his crush on her. "Oh lord, I don't really know. There's just so much. Anyways, we're here." They arrived just in time to get on the train. They took a seat and chatted away.
After about 40 minites, they reached their stop and (Y/n) lead them to the school and gave them a tour. Eventually, they went to the cafeteria to get sorted into their classes. "(Y/n) (l/n), class A3B-Sc6b, and lastly, Varian Ruddiger, class A3B-Sc6b." The principle rolled up his paper. "Your homeroom teacher, Mr. Syders, will take you to your classroom and go over the overall rules this schoolyear." "Varian, we're in the same class, this is awsome!" (Y/n)grabbed his arm and jumped a little. "I know, but how, we're in seperate courses?" "Maybe there were'nt enough students to make two seperate classes? I guess that means we'll be toghether for everything exept science and bio. Do you mind if i sit next to you?" A blush spread across Varians cheeks. "N-no, I'd lov- LIKE to sit next to you. Yeah, I'd like that, heh." He looked at the floor rubbing his neck. "Yes! Alright, come on, we'll get the best seats!" (Y/n) grabben his hand and dragged him over to a seat in the back.

After about two hours, it was time for their first break, and the two of you sat underneath a tree, enjoying the last of summer. "Pff, looks like the lost fairy princess is still at it." A voice sneered. Varian looked up to see a small group of kids standing around them, looking at (Y/n) with hatefull eyes. "What do you want, I'm kinda busy." She replied without looking up. "Oh, so you grew an attitude?" "Hah, no, I just ran out of fucks to give. So if you don't mind, me and V got places to be." She stood up and walked away, Varian following closely. "That's right, run away you coward!" The leader of the so called "gang" yelled. "Well, lets get to our other two classes and go home."

Trying to make his way through the mass of students, Varian finally reached the gate and waited for (Y/n). When she still had not showed up after 10 minutes, he started to get worried. He went around school grounds to find her, and eventually did. She sat down behind some bushes, staring in the disntance with empty eyes. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" She looked at him. "Yeah, they just decided to stab me with a pencil, I'm waiting 'till everyone's gone." "They whAT NOW! Alright, thats enough, come on, I'll take you to my house and get Rapunzel to patch you up. Let's get to the station." Varian took your arm and dragged you along, not noticing your soft smile...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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