A new adventure

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Varian was walking through he forest, trying to ignore Hugo. "I'm just saying, do you really know where you're leading us? 'Cause I think we've been here six times already." The blonde haired said. "If someone would stop talking and let me concentrate, we could've been there already." Varian replied annoyed. "Could you just make sure Yong doesn't blow anything up, I'll check the map again." He put down his bag and started looking for the map, being careful not to break one of the (maybe too many) flasks with chemicals he brought with him. "Or, maybe I should check the map, because you obviously don't know how to read it." Hugo reached over Varians schoulder to snatch the map out of his hands. "I'm pretty sure I can read the map, thank you for showing your faith in me." Varian said as he pushed him backwards with his foot. But Hugo didn't give up so fast. It began to look like a game of cat and mouse, and Ruddiger was chittering madly, trying to warn them about Varians chemicals that were still just laying on the ground. Only were our heroes too busy fighting over the map to notice him, and Varian tripped over his bag. A flask flew out and landed on an oddly shaped rock. It started glowing red, and the wind turned in its direction. Suddenly, a black and red portal appeared ans sucked them in. "No no no no no no no no no..."

Varian felt like he was falling, and kept his eyes tightly shut. "Please don't die, I'm not ready to die yet, please, please, please!" He thought. Then the impact of the landing came. It didn't hurt as much as he expected, seeming how long he had been falling, but the impact was big enough to force the air out of his lungs. He had landed on someting slightly spiky, and he sat up. "Is everyone here?" He asked. "Where ever 'here' may be, I'm there." Yong said. "VARIAN!" Hugo screamed. "WHERE, ARE, WE?" "How am I supposed to know? Portals aren't part of the description." "You brought us here!" Hugo was clearely not happy. "I don't think it's Varian's fault." A voice said. Varian opened his eyes and saw Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra, all three with a confused look. "Hi, princess, Cass, captain. How did you get here?" he asked, freeing himself from the bush he had landed in. "Red and black portal." They said at the same time. "Right, we too. Do any of you have been in this forest before?" Yong said. "I guess we better figure out where we are, and I see roofs that way." Cassandra said. Rapunzel took the lead and headed towards the place were they saw roofs through the leaves. They came to the border of the forest and got stunned by what they saw. "Sweet mother of science." Varian whispered.

this is kind of what they saw

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this is kind of what they saw

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