Telling the gang

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When Varian returned home, he went straight to his room, ignoring Yong's greeting. In the livingroom, he heard Cassandra telling about her hunting trip. "It was unbelieveable. Not a single animal in sight! All I found were cats and chickens in a cage. Owl at least got himself a mouse..." He closed his door and dropped himself on the bed. A few minutes later, Cassandra came in. "Varian, what's wrong?" She asked him. "Oh, n-nothing, Cass. I'm fine." He brushed her of. "See? I told ya he wouldn't say it." Eugene's voice sounded muted through the door. "I thought he might tell Cass." Rapunzel replied. "Raps, we can hear you." Cassandra said and it went quiet. Then, the door slammed open and Eugene and Rapunzel stormed in. "Varian, we're worried. You've been acting strange the past two weeks. You're constantly staring out the window, you can't focus on your projects. You can tell us when something's bothering you, you know that?" Varian blushed and looked down. "W-well, there may be this minor thing, but it's not exactly... Bothering me." He let out a nervous laugh. His friends looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "Ehh, t-there is this... Girl. Around who I think is very pretty and, uhh, whe-when I was looking for Ruddiger I kinda bumped into her, so she wanted to help me find him, and then she said she thought I was cute and I blushed hard and then she kissed my cheek." He rattled out the last part, fiddeling with his fingers. "Aww, Varian. That's so sweet." Rapunzel said and hugged him. She gasped. "You have to ask her out!" Varian shot up. "W-wha- No, no, no. I'm not asking her out! What if she doesn't like me? I-I mean, she's so gorgeous, she'll definately have a boyfriend already. Probably some tough guy that's very possesive of her and, yeah. I'm just a nerd with goggles who doesn't even belong in this time. And look at me! I'm short and skinny, with these stupid freckles and a stupid blue stripe in my hair. Her purple ends are beautiful, (and her freckles adorable)..." He sighed. "She'll just never like me that way." "Don't say that." Rapunzel said. "Varian, didn't you just say she thought you were cute and kissed you? That's a good sign, am I right." Eugene put a hand on Varians shoulder and he nodded lightly. "You're a great guy and she can definately see that too. You just have to see it yourself." Cassandra said. Varian looked up and smiled at them. "Ladies, and gentlemen! I've figured out where the food is!" Hugo yelled from down the stairs. They looked at eachother for a second before Eugene told Rapunzel and Cassandra to go see what Hugo had found. "I want to talk with Varian for a bit, I'll come when we're done here." The two girls nodded and left. "So, kid. What does she look like?" Eugene asked. "She's the most beautiful girl in the world. She has beautiful (color) hair with purple ends and the prettiest (color) eyes and the cutest laugh and the sweetest smile. And when she kissed me? It was the best moment of my life. Her lips are so soft..." Varian sighed as he pictured (Y/n). "She sounds amazing. But, Varian, I want to remind you that your life has only just begun, and love is one of the best, most important you'll find in it, so don't ever let your insecurities keep you away from that. Our flaws make us who we are, you understand?" Eugene's brown eyes were soft and caring. Varian had rarely seen him so serious when he wasn't on captain duties. "Yes, I understand." He said, making Eugene smile. "Alright then kid, go to sleep now. You'll need it." He was about to leave, when Varian called. "Eugene?" Eugene turned around. "Thank you. And Cassie and Rapunzel as well." "Anytime, kid."

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