Chapter 10

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It was early In the morning when I was awakened by Naofumis yelling and banging at the door next to my room.

'Isn't it too early for this?' I thought and groan from exhaustion.

I begrudgingly got up from the bed and open the door to yell at Naofumi to keep the noise down. When I saw him being surrounded by knights. "Hey, what's going on here?" I ask now fully awake and standing in front of my room. "The Shield Hero is being summoned by the king himself. In fact, all the hero's are being requested to be in the castle immediately, that includes you Dagger Hero." one of the knights said to me.

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as possible." I said and hesitantly walk back to my room to change "Bye Naofumi." I said with a small wave. Naofumi gave me a nervous wave in return "Bye." he said with an unsure voice with a hint of confusion and worry before I closed my door.

Time Skip

Me, the other hero's, and Myne were standing in front of the king, waiting for Naofumi's arrival which I thought was strange because he was summoned here a lot earlier than me.

Suddenly the doors to the throne room burst open and Naofumi was shoved inside and was immediately surrounded by nights who pointed their spears at him.

"Naofumi!" I shouted and started to run towards him before being pulled back by Motoyasu. "What are you doing Motoyasu, can't you see what they're doing to Naofumi?" I ask him wondering why he stoped me from saving him. "Yeah and he deserves it." Motoyasu spat with anger and disgust clear on his face.

"What?" I ask clearly confused 'What did Naofumi did to deserve this?' I thought and anxiously looked back at Naofumi who looked as panic as I felt.

"What the hell is going on here?" Naofumi asks while on his knees.

He then notices Myne who was right next to Motoyasu "Myne are you alright?" he asked with worry in his voice. At the same time he said that Myne instantly hid behind Motoyasu as if he did something to scare her. "What's wrong Myne?" he asks clearly confused as to why she did that.

I was confused too, all he did was ask her if she was okay and she acted like he said something creepy to her.

Naofumi then looked at the king and said "Your majesty all my stuff was stolen from my room and all I have left is this shield, please find the thief and...."

"SILENCE YOU FILTH!" the king suddenly shouted, Naofumi and I look at him with surprise at his reaction. "What..." Naofumi said almost sounding like a whisper.

The king sighed from what sounded like disappointment "Myne I'm sorry for asking you this my dear, but do you mind explaining what happen again?"

Myne who was hugging and hiding behind Motoyasu's back started to cry "I-It happen l-last n-night, T-the Shield H-hero forced h-his way to my r-room and he was s-stinking drunk. He also g-grabbed me and p-pinned me d-down on my b-bed." she said sobbing and hugged Motoyasu's back tighter.

"Huh?!" Naofumi said quickly standing up.

"T-the ne-ext thing I kn-knew he was tea-earing all my cl-clothes off, s-somehow I manage to e-escape and I r-ran down the h-hallway to call for help and found S-sir Motoyasu who h-happened to be staying in the same II-IIn." Myne finished.

"What the hell." Naofumi said in anger and confusion.

I look at Naofumi in surprise 'There's no way Naofumi will do something like that, sure I barely know the guy but he doesn't seem the type to do that stuff to his only member of his party.'

"If she hadn't suggested that we call the knights, I would've gladly cut you down myself." Motoyasu said in disgust.

"What are you talking about, I went straight to bed last night after Angelica's party and I don't drink." Naofumi said starting to sound desperate.

That's when he noticed the armor that Motoyasu was wearing "Hey that's my armor your wearing give it back you thief." He said angrily. Motoyasu scoff "What are you talking about I'm no thief, Myne gave this armor to me as a gift when I met her at the Pub yesterday." He said and smiled at Myne who was hugging his arm and silently crying.

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