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Name: Angelica Gravestone

Age: 18

Legendary Weapon: Dagger

Looks: Black hair in a constant loose braid, light grey eyes ( the right eye is always covered or halfway covered by her side bang ) has a short-sleeved white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, royal blue pants, and black ankle running boots

Personality: kind, snappy, stubborn, carefree, optimistic, curious, charismatic, likable, opinionated, straightforward, hyper, can be serious sometimes, a little mischievous, a bit childish, competitive, caring, confident, selfless, & short-tempered.

Things she's good at: Good dancer, agile/flexible, decent cook, hardcore, swimming, sewing, hand to hand combat, & roasting.

Things she's bad at: Singing, negotiating, math, waking up early, jokes, drawing, waiting, & keeping her anger in check

Likes: sweets, cooking, nature, pranks, dancing, having fun, making people smile, hardcore, bathing, music, comfy yet fashionable clothes, animals, nighttime, & succeeding in getting revenge

Dislikes: bitter food, snobby people, accusations, perverts, playboys, thief's, early mornings, when her ships sink, the murder of innocence, being ignored, being left out, people talking behind her back, & loud and annoying noises

Discontinue- The Dagger Hero AngelicaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz