| Chapter 43 | Undercover

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'Th-that's a bit rude...'

"No where else to go?" She repeats. The man nods." None of them here are able to open their mouths to strangers. I've already tried last night."

Rina looks at him with caution." You're not from here, and what do you mean you tried last night?" She urges. He hums, crossing his arms and staring down at her hunched form.

"The man who jumped off the second floor that transformed."


"When he started to talk, and the curse was activated." He says lowly.

The man observes her reaction. Lip biting, wandering eyes, tense features, and mild shaking. He wonders what makes her so stressed, to have her act out like that. Well, not like he's hasn't seen her act like that before.

"But how do they get it..." She mumbles under her breath. She looks back at the bartender, who glances at her from time to time, only to never go near her. She sighs deeply, taking another large gulp of beer. The drinker amuses him, knowing no one in this tavern could be such a heavy beer drinker than her. She has the biggest tankard after all. Though, the bartender probably did it on purpose to get her drunk and make her pay more.

Rina stays silent, buried in her thoughts as she endlessly drinks the rest of the tankard without thought. The man stays beside her quietly until she finishes, wiping her mouth with her sleeves and standing up.

"Sorry about that, I have to go to work now." She says, suddenly standing up and rubbing her head.

The man's eyes follow her as she leaves the building.

"You know her?" The bartender comes up to him, a small frown on his face.


He ignores him, not even looking his way.

"A drink?" He offers, brushing off the fact he just got ignored. The masked man stands up, glancing at the bartender as he opted to follow after the female.

"No thanks."


The day seems to be in a particular fine mood, making it seem more suspicious. A quiet chattering of the town truly makes it seem normal, adding even more suspicion. Despite the sounds of it being normal, the people glare at the woman as she passes by, watching her every step.

She shakes off the stares, blending into the thin crowd and caring more about saving their asses in the dark rather than confronting them head on.

It's been two days since she had started this mission with Lucian, and they really haven't gone anywhere.

"Why are you following me?" Rina snaps, turning around. Annoyed, she raises a brow at the stalker who's dark blue eyes stare at her intensely.

"I'd like to help." He repeats his offer, making the girl sigh.

"Sure, but I'm not in charge so I'll be taking you to Sir Ainsworth." She agrees half-heartedly, shrugging it off. He doesn't seem to be dangerous at the moment, but if he is, she won't hesitate to take him down.

They enter the building which she left quite a while ago in a bad mood. As they do, Lucian turns to look at the new figure in surprise. He blinks at him for a moment, both men scanning each other, somehow feeling familiarity.

Rina pulls the red-head aside. "He apparently knows something and said he wants to help. What should we do?" She asks and glances at the man, who catches her eye and she snaps back to Lucian.

He stares at her for a moment, making her raise a brow.

"Is something wrong?"

"... Your breath smells like beer.." he says hesitantly.

I Altered the Villainess' Fate by being a Hero!Where stories live. Discover now