Reflective A/n

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Psst! I'm back!!!

Let's have a quick recap on what happened so far.

The last chapter showed the Anarina and her friends save her brother.

It seems that Nathaniel is on Anarina's side ehe.

The king is up to no good though 👀

Our MC's family is broken and a lot of things are happening at once.

Lyle is still nowhere to be found (I haven't forgotten about him kekek)

!!Some important announcements below!!

So far, we're only at the edge of what I want this story to be, though if I'm being honest I have no plan :p. I didn't expect to go this far but I'll try and make it decent to the end at the very least.

And, I'm not sure if you've seen the reverse harem tag. 👀

I plan to narrow it down since I think I overstepped with the shipping too much.

Too many dynamics 🗿 my baddddd

What do you guys think? Who do you ship her with so far? Your mind might change as the book keeps going ehehe.

But if you have any questions about the book to have a better understanding, please ask! I'm happy to inform you guys about this crazy world :))

As for Anarina's personality, I feel it's a bit off putting and a bit too... mmm.. Mary-sue like. As I've been rereading I can't help but feel bothered about (as I said) the many guys  crushing on her even if she did absolutely nothing??? Makes no sense man 🤨

Plus I feel she's OP but it's part of her character??? But she's suppose to be powerful?? But she's OP??? 😬 I need to set boundaries 😬😬😬

So to uhh.. fix the reverse harem part.. some characters will act a bit different.. y'know.. to remove the crushing part..

And for her personality 🗿 it bothered me that it kept changing and I couldn't keep up with her as a person. But those are my opinions.

These are just my reflections and thoughts about how I can improve (feel free to criticize me too :3)

So I'll put a reminder that maybe she'll be a bit more...mmm.. mature? Cold hearted? All I know is that it's a teensy bit more serious.

I still kinda don't know how character development works but this is just a practice novel.. ah well.. I'll try my best you give you all the character's backgrounds and such. Side stories if you're up to it? :D

And and one more announcement!!

As for my update schedule 🗿 I'm not sure.

I failed most of my classes this semester since I was lowkey writing during class but that's not the point 🗿🗿🗿

Please be patient with me! As much as I want to write about the scenes, I sometimes can't find the right words to describe it, y'know? Plus English ain't my first language 😳

Also I've noticed the age group consists of mostly young adults/adults(?). Though I am not one myself, I hope you're enjoying this story that a kiddo wrote ehe 😀

Also if you have any questions (kinda like a Q&A) feel free to ask here! I don't mind sharing about my boring ole life kekek

Well, that's it!

I'll be posting the next chapter very soon :)

(If you read through all of that you are absolutely poggers)

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