Chapter 11.

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~Autumn's P.O.V.~
"I don't have anything to wear Allie, I guess I can't go." I said trying to walk out of the room.

"Not so fast Autumn," she said pulling me back. "I have something for you." She got out a box. She put it on the bed.

"For you, open it." She said smiling. I looked at her confused and headed towards the box. I opened it slowly. When I opened the box, there was a beautiful dress. I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"You got this for me," I said looking at Allie. She nodded. "Why?"

"Because, you deserve to look awesome! Especially for your boyfriend...Gabe." She said looking at me with a smirk.

"Allie he is not my boyfriend, he likes me as a friend, and I like him the same." I say completely lying. Hey, it's not New Years yet.(...resolution...)

"Yeah, suurree. Well, he must be a special friend, a very special friend..." She said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah, like Cole?" I asked her.

"Maybe...." Allie said looking away. We both laughed.

"Can I ask you something?" Allie asked me.

"What?" I asked.

"Can I...." Allie started saying.

"What, tell me?" I said looking at her.

"Can your hair and makeup?" She asked me. I knew she was going to ask me that.

"I know you can do hair, but makeup, nah!" I said to her. I don't really like makeup.

"Okay, what about just a little eyeliner?" She asked.

"Let me think about it.... Uh..... NO!" I said to her. She nodded and said okay. I was so excited but then again, not so much. We both knew we had to get ready since it was already 6:00pm and we needed to be there at 8:00pm. I took a shower and dried my hair. I think Allie might curl my hair because she always asks if she could curl my hair. So I did a waterfall braid across the back of my hair and Allie started curling my hair. She finished quickly. I went to the room and Allie got in the shower. I put on the dress and a silver bracelet with matching earrings. I looked at my self in the mirror. I looked pretty. I saw white tall high heels next to the box. I'm guessing Allie wants me to wear them, but I can't wear high heels. One, I can't walk in them, and two, that's not really my style. So I hid the high heels in the closet and put on silver vans. I felt more comfortable. I sat down on the bed when Allie came out already changed. She curled her hair and took a big sigh when she was done. She came out of the bathroom and looked at me.

"You need something else....I think I have something." She said smiling to me. She walked over to the dresser and took out a necklace with an infinity sign. She handed it to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Yes! Just take care of it." She said.

"Thank you so much Allie." I said giving her a hug.

"Wait a minute! Are you supposed to be even more taller than me?" She said looking at me. I just smirked. She lifted my dress a little to see the shoes I was wearing.

"Okay, I guess that will work. Anyways, us two sexy hot girls have to get to a party." Allie said. We walked downstairs and headed towards the car. I was really excited but scared to go. I hope it all goes well.
Heyyyyyy! I've been updating a lot! Sorry for the short chapter. Thank you guys for the 700+ reads! It's so exciting. Well, I'll try to update as soon as I get a chance. Thank you guys so much! Vote and Comment. This time it will be 8 Votes and 8 Comments for the next update, but.... If I finish the next chapter early, I'll still post it even if I don't have the 8 Votes or 8 Comments. Sooooo, Until next time! Bye!

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