Chapter 8.

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~Autumn's P.O.V.~
"Stop it Julian, he didn't do anything." I screamed.

"Shut up Autumn! This is what he gets for being with my girl!" He said back. He threw Gabe against the car and he fell in pain.

"Autumn," Gabe said to me in pain. Julian grabbed Gabe and threw him over his shoulder. I sobbed and yelled for Julian to leave Gabe alone. He didn't seem to care. All I thought was about the bad things Gabe might go through. Then, Julian went over to a rock, and threw Gabe against it. Gabe was unconscious.

"GABE!!!" I screamed while I sat up in shock.

"Autumn, what's wrong?" Gabe asked concerned, while he got of his bed and rapped his arm around me. I looked up and saw his face. I hugged him tightly and sobbed in his chest.

"Thank goodness, it was just a dream." I said in between sobs.

"Autumn, what happened?" He asked me.

"Nothing," I said pulling away and wiping my tears away,"it was just a bad dream."

"Are you ok now?" He asked me looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, now I am." I said to him giving him a fake smile.

"I don't believe you. Tell me, why did you scream my name?" He asked me lifting my chin to look in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter. As long as your ok." I said to him with a hug.

"Well, just in case, your sleeping with me, so I'll be right by your side, just in case you need anything." He said while helping me up from the floor.

"Gabe you don't have to...."

"Autumn, it's fine, anyway, I'm not gonna let you sleep on the floor anymore." He said to me looking into my eyes. I promise, he is gonna be the death of me! I nodded and smiled. We both laid on his bed and he covered me with his awesome batman blanket.

"Thank you Gabe." I said looking into his eyes.

"No problem. That's what friends are for." He said to me with a hug. I hugged back. I rested my head on his chest. We stayed in that same position and we both fell asleep.


~Gabe's P.O.V.~
I woke up with my arms around Autumn. She had her head on my chest. I looked at her face and she looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake her up but I need to get her home. Luckily, her phone rang and she woke up. Her eyes fluttered open and she sat up quickly. I don't think she noticed the way we were. She answered her phone.

~Autumn's P.O.V.~
Me: "Hello."
Allie💁: "Where are you!? You didn't come home yesterday, I was worried sick MISSY!"
Me: "Calm down, I stayed at a friends house, I'll be there in about 20."
Allie💁: "Okay, TUDALU!"
Me: "Bye."
I put my phone on the nightstand. I turned around and saw Gabe looking at me.

"That was the crazylious friend I stay with. I have to go." I told him while I got up from the bed. I went into the bathroom and changed into my regular clothes. I went back to Gabe's room and he wasn't there. I grabbed my phone and turned around.

"I'll take you." Gabe said coming out of his closet changed.

"Okay." I said to him smiling. We went into his car and I told him how to get to my friends house. We arrived and before I opened the door, Gabe spoke.

"Autumn, can I ask you something?" He asked me.

"Sure. What is it?" I said looking at him.

"Would you like to come to the studio tomorrow so you can see how good we sing?" He said. We both smiled at the last thing he said.

"Sure, I'd love too! But is it okay if I bring my friend?" I asked.

"Yeah. So see you tomorrow?" He asked again.

"Yeah, I'll be there. Bye." I said to him opening the door.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." He said with a big smile. I shut the door, and headed towards my friends apartment. I went inside and sat on the couch.

"Hey! Soooooo, what happened? I saw that cute hottie out there drop you off." My friend Allie said to my grinning and wiggling her eyebrows. I told her everything. It got late so I went to bed and fell asleep.
Hello wonderful people! Thank you guys so much for the 400+ reads! Sorry for this sucky chapter. I promise, more good stuff coming your way! Please Vote and Comment! Until next time!

The Girl in the Turquoise Shoes.(IM5 Fanfic.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin