Chapter 2.

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~Gabe's P.O.V.~
Today is the day that I'm finally getting out of the hospital. I sat in the car with all of my band mates. We are a boyband named IM5. There is supposed to be five of us, but at the moment, we only have four boys. Cole was in the drivers seat, I was in the passenger seat, and Dana and Will were in the backseat. We sang and talked all the way to the studio. When we got there, there was no one around but our manager.

"Wasn't there supposed to be a mystery guest here to teach us something?" Asked Dana.

"Yes Dana. She will be here in a bit. Meanwhile, you guys can warm up. NO FOOLING AROUND. You hear me Dana?" Said our manager, clearly looking at Dana straight in the eye.

"Yes mam!" Exclaimed Dana, saluting our manager. She nodded and walked away.


~Autumn's P.O.V.~
So, today I am supposed to meet with the boyband, IM5. I was a little late. Okay, maybe A LOT late, but I'm here now.
I walked into the room and I saw them singing and doing warm ups. I settled my bag on the floor and just watched. When they were done, no one noticed I was there, which was kind of great for me because I'm like a little shy. Until their manager brought me out of my shadow.

"Boys, this is Autumn. She will be helping you with your dance moves, and if we are lucky, with your vocal skills. Autumn this is Dana, Cole, Will, and..... where's Gabe?"

"He said his head hurt so he went outside to get some fresh air." Will answered.

Their manager nodded in okay. She left the room and we began to work. I haven't said a thing since I got here, and I think I'm getting really nervous. But when I started talking and actually talked to them, I felt more alive, and more free. It felt like I could do anything. I have to admit, I didn't really know who IM5 was. I have listen to their music, and seen some videos. But I've never seen them up close. I barley even knew their names! Until now. There was just three guys practicing with me. So I started to ask some questions. Well, A question.

"Isn't there supposed to be five of you?" I asked.

"Well, we currently have four. And I'll go check on Gabe." Cole said, running off.

I nodded and we all took a break, at least until they came back. I thought about... him.
I couldn't forget his face. And how I left him. IM SO STUPID!!! At least I could of helped him. I felt really bad. I wish I was hanging with my good friends instead of my bad friends that day. If that happened, that incident wouldn't of happened.
What is Autumn talking about? I hope you guys liked it. Comment and Vote! Also, give me some feedback, or ideas too, I would appreciate it. Until next time. Bye!

The Girl in the Turquoise Shoes.(IM5 Fanfic.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora