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A/N: Sad to say that this is the end, my little muffins. Thank you for the support, the comments and everything. Love ya'll.

Also, me and some others have started a discord server about BBH and GBH. If you want to join, just PM me in Discord. My discord is ThatSaikou#8127.



"Bad, I love everything in this place." Skeppy says in awe as he looks around the Skeppy themed amusement park map.

"I'm glad you did! And you got trolled!" Bad exclaims, happily.

He laughs his usual, cute evil laugh.

It made Skeppy smile.

"I'm sooo gonna advertise this place!" Skeppy grins as he goes inside the Circus.

"Wait what? Heh, I was gonna d that in my KitPVP server!" Bad says as he follows Skeppy inside.

"Yeah! Imma do that too! And uh, I'll try to do something stupid like..hmmm, I'll advertise it on a billboard or in airplane!" Skeppy laughs.

"Oh my goodness, it really is stupid. You might waste money, Geppy. Don't do it."

"Okay, okay. You're right, I won't do it, I'll just do it in my server." Skeppy nods as he keeps looking around the place.

He did, using an airplane.


"Skeppy." Bad facepalms as he finishes watching the video.

Skeppy laughs into his mic. They're both in a TeamSpeak call and Skeppy asked Bad to react to his latest video.

"You muffinhead! You wasted so much money! You could've used that on something else..!"

"Hahaha! It's okay, Bad! I still have alot and I'll do fine here." Skeppy responds.

"It worries me everytime you use or give away money. I'm worried what will happen to you if someday you need some." Bad says, concern in his tone.

"I'll be fine, Bad. I promise..!" Skeppy reassures him.

"Oh, alright then you potato." Bad smiles.



"I really like you. I love you...and I promised I will change for the better." Skeppy continues.

"What are you..?" Bad trails off.

"BadBoyHalo...Darryl...Will you be my boyfriend?" Skeppy asks.

"I-I..." Bad smiles, "Y-YES!!! OF COURSE YOU MUFFIN!!!"

Skeppy let out a shout of excitement.


"Do we have to tell a6d?" Bad asks, tilting his head in confusion. Skeppy thought for a moment then looks at Rocco and back at the screen.


Bad giggles, "Okay then. That fatty is gonna find out eventually anyway."


"Bad, I'm sorry..." a6d says in a montone voice.

"a6d, please tell me..do you know where he is?"

a6d gestures for him to follow.

Bad follows him and his eyes widen at the sight.

"No..it can't be..."


Ooh, how interesting.
A book 2?
We'll see about that.

Jef and GoodBoyHalo (Youtuber AU Fanfic) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now