Chapter 26

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The first scene would be before King Ryan showed up at Gun's condo in case you get confused :)


Off thanked the servants who immediately helped him with his luggage when they saw him arrive at the mansion. He was feeling happy and content. Even if he didn't want to part ways with Gun, he knew he needed to go home.

"Jumpol!" His voice's father bellowed when he was on the stairs on his way to his room. "Where have you been for these past two days?"

"Hello father," Off greeted politely despite his father's sour mood.

"Answer me!"

"Father, I was...I had a vacation," he said truthfully.

"Vacation?" His father said angrily. "You went on a vacation? Have you forgotten that you were supposed to meet the king and queen of London last Sunday? Have you forgotten that we were supposed to make a deal with them in order for our economy to boost?"

Off stiffened. He would've talked back to his father when he scolded him but he knew that this time, he messed it up big time.

"Father, I'm so sorry. I forgot and I was-"

"You forgot!?" The king growled. "You forgot!? That is your excuse!? How lame can you be, Jumpol? You forgot!? A prince and a future king never forgets his duties!"

"Father, I swear to God, I completely forgot," Off admitted. "Give me one more chance. I'll talk to them. I can explain and-"

"They are long gone, Jumpol! They went back to London when you didn't show up! You don't know how ashamed I was. I was humiliated because of you, you irresponsible child!"

"Father, it was a mistake and I promise-"

"There you go again, making promises and never fulfilling them! How many promises have you made, huh, Jumpol? You promised to be better! Is this what being better means to you?"

"Father, I-"

"Tell me the truth, Jumpol. Who were you with for these past two days?"

Off looked away as he confessed, "I was with Gun."

"Gun!?" The king shouted. "It's that boy again! He's ruining everything for you, Jumpol! He's not doing you anything good!"

"Father, I admit that this was a big mistake and I apologize but please don't speak ill of Gun. Leave him out of this. He's innocent!"

"No, he isn't," His father insisted. "Ever since you've been with that boy, you didn't do anything but spend and waste your time with him! You are supposed to be learning how to be a king, Jumpol!"

"But I am!" Off protested.

"Are you? Is forgetting a major meeting with another royal family something a responsible king-to-be would do? No, Jumpol!"

"Father, please-"

"I am tired of scolding you, Off!" The king said. "When will you get your mind straight and back on track?"

Off breathed. "Until you realize that I'm doing my best and that I will never marry any other person because I love Gun. Have a great day, father."


The actor was startled to see the king of Thailand outside his door step. He was dressed in very casual clothes and the royal guards were behind him. He smiled at Gun and for a moment, he looked exactly like Off.

"I'm sorry to intrude but may I come in?"

Gun blinked rapidly as his mind started to work again. He stepped aside, made way for the king and said, "Of course. Please, your majesty, make yourself at home."

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