Chapter 14

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"Everything set?" Tay asked as he checked his wrist watch, patiently waiting for his best friend to finish packing.

"Jeez, why are you in a hurry?" Off asked. "It's my own plane, dude. We won't get left behind. It will not even fly until I tell them to, or unless I'm there."

"Yes, I know that," Tay rolled his eyes. "But everyone's waiting for you, for us. Have some decency and don't let others wait."

"You just took your role as my manager very seriously," Off said, patting Tay's shoulder and dragging his suitcase behind him.

Tay followed him to the elevator and once it closed, he said, "I'm still not forgiving you for ditching me and Arm yesterday. I told you we were going out, the three of us."

"I told you already that I'm sorry," Off said.

Tay just stared at him. "The least you can do is tell me how your date went with Gun."

Off chuckled. "It was great. Gun is very...charming."

"Ew," Tay said. "The smell of people in love stinks."

"Talk to me again when you've been in love," Off said and stepped out of the elevator.

"Hey! I've been in love!" Tay protested.

They kept on bickering, Tay pressing Off to give him more details about the prince's little escapade with Gun. Off just laughed and brushed it off. As much as he wants to tell the whole world that he and Gun were making progress, he wanted to keep it lowkey for now until everything's set, until everything's official.

After they went to Central Park, they roamed around New York, exploring more of the city. Off showed Gun his favorite spots and places. They would occasionally stop to get inside a store or take pictures. Gun was definitely photogenic and Off loved it when Gun handed him his phone and asked him to take a few shots.

They went back to the hotel by the time the sun was already down. Nobody said anything during their dinner in the buffet hall, but it was clear that they were just trying to suppress what they wanted to say. Even Mook kept on clearing her throat when she saw Gun and Off sitting together at a table. The only one who was brave enough to talk about their sneaky date is Tay.

"Answer me!!!" Tay screeched when he asked Off where they went yesterday. Off just ignored him and greeted Arm.

"You're coming with us, right?" Off asked Arm.

"Yes, of course," Arm nodded. "Free ride."

Arm decided to fly with them back to Thailand via Off's private plane. The Salud Magazine staff and Julia have a separate flight while Tay, Arm, Gun and Mook will take Off's generosity.

"Where's Gun and P'Mook?" Tay asked.

"In the van, waiting for us," Arm said.

"Van? You don't like it when others drive for you, Arm," Off commented.

"Yes, but if I drive you all, no one's going to take care of my car. It will be in the airport's parking lot for weeks. I don't know when I'll come back here so it's better if I let someone drive for us."

Off found Gun sleeping when he entered the van, his head leaning on the van window since he was sitting on the corner. He quietly took a seat beside him and Mook, who was sitting on the front, raised her eyebrows at him and smiled.

The ride to the airport was chaotic, with Arm and Tay laughing and bickering while Off would turn to them and tell them to tone it down because Gun was sleeping.

"Overprotective boyfriend," Tay whispered and he and Arm would snicker.

Off doesn't mind being referred to as Gun's boyfriend. He actually loved the idea but he didn't want to rush Gun into anything. Thankfully, Gun was snoring softly beside him so the actor didn't hear Tay's comment.

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