Chapter 25

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"Good morning boyfriend slash fiance."

Gun giggled when Off leaned in and kissed him on the lips before proceeding to place butterfly kisses all over his face and his neck. There is no better way to start your day than to wake up next to the person you love. When Gun attempted to escape Off's grip, Off pulled him back to the bed and they both laughed.

"Off! I need to take a shower!" Gun protested but in reality, he was enjoying how their bodies were entangled with the bed sheets as he felt the warmth of his fiance's body.

"Do you really need to go?" Off pouted.

"I have a couple of interviews today," Gun said.

"At least let me take a shower with you," Off said, still pouting.

"What? No, no-"

"Please, baby? Please, my cute boyfriend who's now my fiance, please?"

How can I resist those pleading eyes?

"Fine!" Gun surrendered. "Only if you can get inside the shower room before I lock the door!"

Gun laughed as he bolted to the shower room and heard Off say, "Cheater!"

Off and Gun ended up taking a shower together. Gun needed to swat Off's naughty hands that kept on touching him on parts where he shouldn't be touched (okay, he let Off touch him but it was just one time!) in order to avoid being late. When he was dressed up, he placed a kiss on Off's lips.

"Will you be here when I get home?" Gun asked.

"I'm not going anywhere, Gun," Off promised and watched his boyfriend leave the room.

Gun tried to focus on his interviews and on promoting his series with Nai but he was too eager to go home and see Off again. It might be because they hadn't seen each other for two weeks but Gun knew it was mostly because he was too eager to hear Off say 'fiance' again.

"You're in a great mood today," Nai noticed.

"It's a sunny day," Gun responded. It was true although they were inside a hall so the sun couldn't be seen.

"How are you and Prince Off?" Nai asked. "I hope you both are doing well."

"We're doing good. We've actually made up," he said.

"Yeah, I heard you went to his ball," Nai asked. "You must really like him."

No, I love him, Gun corrected in his mind but he only offered a smile to Nai.

When Gun went back to his place, he was itching to envelope Off again in his arms but when he entered the room, Off was nowhere to be found. He noticed two big luggage by the door and he realized one of them was owned by him.

"Off?" He called out. "Off, I'm home. Where are you?"

Off emerged from the shower room. He was dressed up in some blue and white Hawaiian shirt and some beach shorts. His sunglasses were tucked by his chest and he has his espadrilles on.

"Gun, hey! We're all set. I've packed your bag already and everything's ready. Here are your clothes. I picked them up so we can-"

"Woah, woah, wait. Hold up," Gun said and held up a hand to make Off stop talking. "What do you mean we're all set up? Where are we going?"

Off smiled. "I figured we can both use some time away from all this chaos. I called P'Mook and she said you're clear for the rest of the weekend."

"You mean we're going on a vacation?"

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