Chapter Three - The Popular Boy Has Plans For Me

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Chapter Three - The Popular Boy Has Plans For Me
Natsume's Pov Continued

Lunch had ended already but I wasn't heading to the classroom yet. I kept recalling the conversation with Sakura. I inwardly frowned. She was one peculiar girl. Not only was she a multi-alice user, but she also had a 'bad' past as me. I couldn't help but wonder what happened to her. My mind ticked back to what happened after she left.
I looked around me even though I knew she wasn't there. I motioned for the bird Ruka sent to come out from behind me. It came in front of me, cocking its head as if asking if it could go. I made a dismissive motion with my hand and began to walk away. I went to my sakura tree and climbed up it. On one of the top most branches I paused. A figure was running towards me. I narrowed my eyes, my fighting instinct kicking in. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Red elementary school uniform and a familiar small bird following closely behind. I let out a small sigh before leaning my head on the trunk and crossing my legs on be branch I was on.
'Natsume?' Ruka asked, 'I heard what happened.'
There was a comfortable silence as a breeze rattled the leaves of the tree.
Ruka let out a low whistle, 'So she has more than one alice. A multi-alice user. I don't think this school has had one in about 50 years. Do you think she has more alices?'
After that there was another silence as we were lost in our own thoughts.

I stood up. Might as well see if I could gather any more information on this girl. Something about her bothered me and I didn't like it. I jumped of the tree and started walking to the ESP's office.

'N-natsume! Where are you going?' I heard Ruka ask. Funny. He only stuttered when he was with me.

'ESP'S office. Distract them for me, will you?' I replied without looking back, stuffing my hands in my pockets. And I didn't have to. Soon enough, a large shadow flew overhead. I broke out into a run. I had to glean as much information as I could before getting caught.

I grasped the USB in my pocket. After a few seconds, I heard shouts. Ruka was probably doing something crazy with his alice. And just in time too. I had reached the ESP'S office. The door was already open. I slowly pushed the door open with my toe, waiting for a reaction from inside. The air was still. I couldn't sense anyone breathing. I looked inside. There was no one. I walked briskly to the computer and plugged in the USB. I smirked. There was no password on this computer. This would be easier than I thought. Out of the corner I was it. A small black object in the sea of grey. A camera. I burned it using my alice. Almost as soon as I had activated my alice, a piercing alarm broke the still air. I cursed under my breath. I quickly started typing. Mikan Sakura. Class 3B. I waited for something to come up. It took it's time loading. Eventually a result came up. I downloaded it to the USB without checking what it was. I could tell that there wasn't much time left before the guards came. 15% I heard shouts faintly in the distance. Damn. I eyed the camera. Who else had the fire alice in the academy? I narrowed my eyes and picked it up. Persona's words coming back into mind.
Leave no evidence.

I glanced back at the computer. 50%. You've got to be kidding me. The shouts got louder. Might as well get prepared to leave. I opened the window and looked outside for signs of Ruka. I saw him across the yard. I signalled for him to come. He and his bird flew to the window. Hovering so that they could easily go. I went to the computer. 87% I narrowed my eyes again.

Glaring at it as if that would make it hurry up. The shouts were almost as deafening as the siren blaring overhead. 98%. The door burst open. 99%. They all filed into the room. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it. 100% I was already completely surrounded. I discreetly unplugged the USB and put it into my pocket.

'Hands where I can see them!' A man with pitch black hair ordered.

I raised an eyebrow. Did they want me to kill them? My power was more focused in my hands.

Pitch's cheeks grew slightly pink at embarrassment as he realised what he had said. 'Hands where I can see them!' Quite the stubborn one. Knows he's wrong but continues his argument anyway. 'This suit is made from new alice resistant material! You can't harm me- I mean us!' I couldn't help the tiny sweat drop forming at the back of my head.

I can't believe the academy would hire such buffoons as guards. They must be pretty desperate. I smirked and fire shot out of my hands. They all got into a defensive position. Idiots. Training with new alice repellent materials won't change the instincts they were trained with before. I took this moment to jump over the squatting men and climb aboard the giant eagle. I took off into the air causing angry shouts from the men down below.

As soon as they disappeared from sight did I relax.

'Did you get it?' Ruka asked.

'Hm,' I nodded.

The eagle banked taking us to the special star dorm. I got off and headed to my room, Ruka following close behind. I opened the door and headed to the computer. I heard the door shut and Ruka lean over my shoulder as I sat down and plugged the USB into the computer. I opened up the folder and open the document saying Mikan Sakura.

Mikan Sakura/Yukihara
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Class: 3B
Alice: Nullification, SEC (STEAL, COPY, and ERASE)
Family: Deceased
Background Information: Parents were both alice users. They were killed by the AAO in front of her and also kidnapped her. An unknown person(s) rescued her and sent her to her grandfather in Hokkaido. All investigations leading towards information about the person(s) were inconclusive. Interviews with Sakura's grandfather were unable to continue as a couple years after Sakura was sent to him he was killed by the AAO as well. All leads were closed afterwards. Sakura was now sent to AA.

That was it. A picture of her was on the side. There was something different about the girl in the picture and the girl who spoke to me. Then I was it. Her eyes. They were sparkling like diamonds reflecting the sun's rays. I'll turn her back. Determination bubbled up inside me. So this was why. She closed her self off and put on a facade. I cracked my knuckles and smirked. I always loved a challenge. This one was....just to past time. I couldn't let a female version of me be created. Yeah. That was why I was doing this. Now to explain this to Ruka. I sent a glance at him. He was staring at the picture of Sakura, a faint pink tinge apparent on his face. This will be fun.

'Say, Ruka are you up for a challenge?' I asked an evil glint in my eyes.

'Huh?' He tore his gaze away from the picture and swallowed hard at my smirk.

'W-what kind of challenge?'

Hello my little chickens! Yes I have finally updated just as promised! Next update should be in a few days as all my creative juices are flowing.
Lol so I just realised that I missed chapter two so I changed the names of the chapters.

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