Chapter Nine - I Get Poisoned By The Popstar That Decided To Kidnap Me

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Chapter Nine - I Get Poisoned By The Popstar That Decided To Kidnap Me
Mikan's POV
I looked at the ceiling. The white was blinding. I had to look away. I had already been here for a week, which I think was going a little overboard. In that week, I had a variety of visitors. Hotaru came and shot me multiple times with her baka gun for worrying her and had to be escorted out by the doctor, Subaru, who happened to be her brother. Who knew Hotaru had a brother? Mr Bear came and visited. He brought some wild flowers that had escaped the blaze and hugged me until I fell asleep. Yuu came with Anna and Nonoko who turned out to be great fun. They were surprised by the personality but accepted me the same. They brought cards and we played card games and we played until visitor time was up. Misaki and Tsubasa came as well and she told me all the embarrassing stories about Tsubasa, making me laugh really hard. My new senpai was such a klutz.
But the whole time, my mind never stopped thinking about Hyuuga. God. I'll never be able to face him now. Thank kami he never visited. I don't think I'd be able to even look at him right now.
I rolled over and pressed my burning face into the pillow. The smell of antiseptic from the pillow caused me to scrunch up my nose. I rolled back and stared at the calendar. 23rd of December. One week until my birthday. I wonder what Hotaru will get me.

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'Listen up everyone!' Hotaru shouted causing everyone to look up at her frightened. 'Mikan's birthday is in one week. Throw a party.'
'Eh?! Mikan-chan's birthday is in one week?! I don't know what to get her!'
'Nani?! Do you think that a confession would be a good present?'
The boys beside Yuu, Natsume, Ruka and Koko were in an uproar. Mikan-chan was a goddess to them and they planned to take advantage her while she was still weak.
'Not going to throw a party for her! Count me out, Hotaru!' Sumire screeched.
'If you don't, I'll tell the person you have a crush on, that you have a crush on them.' Hotaru said without looking up from what she was doing.
'Everybody knows that I have a crush on Natsume-sama and Ruka-sama.'
Hotaru smirked, 'We both now that that's a cover up to hide who you truly love. Do you want me to tell him now?'
This caught two people's attention.
That girl doesn't actually have a crush on me? Tsk! All those years of putting up with her stupidity only to find out that she didn't mean any of it. What a pain.
Wait. Permy doesn't like Natsume or Ruka? But whenever I read her mind it was always Natsume this and Natsume that. Was Natsume just a code name for someone else? Does that mean that I still have a chance?
'Guys! Stop! Sakura-san wouldn't want something as awkward as a confession from you on her birthday! Anna, prepare a cake! Nonko, make some fireworks, the biggest and brightest possible. Everyone else, get started on the decorations. I'll order the food.' Sumire had taken charge straight off the bat.
Hotaru's smirk widened.
'Hey, Imai. If I pay you ¥100 Rabbits, will you show me a picture of the guy that Permy likes?' Koko asked intrigued.
'Of course-' Hotaru was cut off by Sumire's screech.
'Noooooo! I'll give you ¥1000 Rabbits for that photo. And my name is Sumire. Not Permy!'
'I'll pay you ¥10000 Rabbits-'
'I'll bloody give you all my life savings just don't show Koko the bloody picture!' She wailed.
'Sold, to the desperate girl. I'll transfer all your savings into my account.' Hotaru's eyes had money signs in them and her fingers were typing furiously onto her computer.
'Why don't you want me to see who you like, Permy?' Koko asked sullenly.
'Because, it's private! If he found out that I like him, it would ruin our entire relationship! And that's too important for me to lose!' Sumire blushed.
'Aw, c'mon! We've been friends since we were babies! I'll promise not to tell him!' Because I'll probably beat him up before I get the chance.
'Absolutely not! End of discussion! Now get back to work!' Sumire strutted away and began flipping through various food catalogues.
'Demo, why are we decorating now when her birthday is in a week? Won't she notice all the decorations when she sees the room?' Yuu asked confused.
'Who said that the party would be in this room?'
Hotaru snickered. Yes. This year will be very interesting.
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