Chapter Eight - I Ride A Fire Breathing Llama

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Chapter Eight - I Ride A Fire Breathing Llama
Still Mikan's POV

'Itai! What was that for?!' Tsubasa shouted.
I stared at the person he was shouting at. I tried to find the word to describe her: beautiful was too strong, pretty too slight and did not give any sense if the strength of character there. I gave up. Any word I think of seems to suggest Hollywood or some magazine full of supermodels or glossy celebrities. Lovely came closest, but that was a gushing grandmother kind of word and a gushing grandmother, I am not.
She had pink bubble gum coloured hair, messily cut to shoulder length and big luminous eyes, the same colour has her hair, which must be a sight to behold when she's happy. But right now, they were burning with anger at my new senpai.
'You idiot! Where have you been! We have a new member coming and while all of us are working our asses off preparing, I find that you've snuck away to take a nap!' She kicked his head.
'Eh! B-but demo-' Tsubasa stuttered.
'I've had enough of your excuses! Do I need to take you to Rui for you to follow your instructions! Now get off the floor you dumb-ass before our new member sees you!' She kicked his stomach causing him to curl up into a ball.
'M-misaki....... she's already here.......' Tsubasa groaned with obvious effort as he pointed a shaking finger at me.
Misaki's head swivelled towards me and her mouth opened in a perfect 'o'.
'YOU BROUGHT THE NEW MEMBER HERE WITH YOU AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME?!?!?!' She kicked hard enough to cough up blood and sure enough a small pool of blood started to from around his head.
'Anyway! You must be tired and hungry! Let's start the party and you can tell everyone everything about you!' She started to usher me in as I looked worriedly in Tsubasa's direction.
'Demo, shouldn't we help him?'
'Eh. Don't worry he'll live..... I think. Anyway, who cares about that dumb person? Welcome to the Special Ability class!'
She stepped out of the doorway revealing once again, a mass of balloons, students and food. Everyone looked up from what they were doing and smiled at us.
'Hey Misaki!'
'Is that the new student?'
'Aw she's so cute!'
'Stop! I think you're scaring her!'
Misaki pushed me to the front of the room. 'Well go on! Introduce yourself!'
I looked at all the people staring at me and felt my palms start to sweat. Unlike 3B who weren't paying much attention, these people were staring at me adeptly.
'Uh.... My name is Mikan Sakura from class 3B. I like strawberries and having fun.....'
'Does anyone have any questions for Mikan-chan?' Misaki announced.
'Hey? Why weren't you here yesterday? Why'd you skip?' A voice called from the back.
'Yeah! I'd like to know that as well.' I turned to see Tsubasa leaning against the door frame, completely revitalised.
'Didn't I already kill you?' Misaki narrowed her eyes at him.
'Subaru took pity on me and healed me up. Anyway I wanna hear the answer so shut up for a sec.' He waved a dismissive hand at her and turned his attention back to me.
'Uh, I wanted to see what it was like?' I asked unsure. Truthfully, at the time, I was tired of hearing Jin Jin talk and Natsume's uncomfortable stare, however discreet it may have been.
'Honto? You don't seem like that type of person.' Tsubasa looked at me suspiciously.
'Tsubasa! You baka just accept her answer and let her be!'
'But I'm just saying, she doesn't seem the type to ditch class just to see what it was like.'
'It's none of your business, you aho!' She turned to me, 'Please excuse us.' She dragged him out the door and closed the door behind her. After a few seconds you could hear his screams of bloody murder.
I turned to everyone else. They were already back to chatting and eating. Was Misaki and Tsubasa a usual occurrence? The door opened again and Misaki came out. She smiled at me before dragging me to meet all her friends. As we all chatted and laughed at Tsubasa, I got the strangest feeling. I think...... I think that I like being here. Maybe, I'll stay.... for a little bit.

~~~time skip~~~

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Attention all Alice students! A fire breathing llama has escaped from the animal centre. Students are to return to their classrooms so that the faculty can retrieve it. If you are a DA student or have an animal pheromone alice, please come to the teachers staffroom immediately.

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