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I stepped out of the limo and approached the gate. The tears started to dry on my cheeks. I quickly wiped it away.

*FLASHBACK**A few years ago*

'Daddy, why are there men in black standing outside the house?' I asked my voice quivering.

'Mikan, please. Go to your room. Lock the door and hide. Don't let anyone in and don't come out until everything is quiet.'

'Daddy? What's going on? Daddy!'

The door burst open and the men in black came in.

'Just remember Mikan, your mother and I have always loved you.' He smiled softly. 'Now do what I say! Go! Now!' He gave me a small shove in the direction of the other door and I ran into my room doing as he said. I huddled in my wardrobe tears streaking down my face as I started chanting softly under my breath.

'Everything will be okay. After everything is quiet you are going to go out and Daddy and Mommy will be there waiting for you. This all just a big misunderstanding. Everything will be okay.'

But of course it wasn't. They broke into my room and stole me. They murdered my parents right in front of me. I had passed out after that.

Someone had beaten all of them and taken me to Hokkaido where my Grandpa lived. There I had meet my best friend, Hotaru. I thought that everything was okay that it w was all over but it wasn't. One night they came for me again. They killed Grandpa and came for me again. If GA hadn't come when they did then the AAO would have caught me.


I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and looked up. Narumi smiled down at me

'It'll all be okay. You'll be safe here.'

The gates opened and we entered.

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