Bella's Arrival

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Haven Evangeline Swan was born July 27, 2000 to Charlie Swan and Evaline Baxter. Tragedy stuck when the young girl was only three old. Her mother had died from brain cancer. With the only other living relative in the military, Charlie took full parental responsibilities of raising his daughter. Charlie and Evaline were still only dating when she fell pregnant. There was talk of marriage but that was put on the back burn when Evaline was diagnosed with cancer. Charlie had some help from his long time friend Billy Black and Harry Clearwater. After all they had daughters of their own. Since her birth she has not been introduce to Charlie's oldest daughter Isabella Swan. Now that the oldest is moving back to Forks the two girls will finally meet. 

Today is the day Bella meets her little sister. "You'll love Haven," Charlie tells her. "She's at the Black's right now. You'll meet her when they come over tomorrow. Decided to let her stay the night so you can settle in." Bella nods at her father's statements. She's heard about her half sister but she hasn't met her before. She's seen the pictures of the little girl when Haven was a baby. Charlie had told Bella about Evaline before. That the two were planning to get married when Evaline got cancer. The news came right when she got pregnant. She decided to have Haven instead of chemo. Once Haven was born it was to late for treatment. She died three years later. 

They soon arrived at the house. Charlie helped Bella with her luggage and showed her her room. As they walk through the hallway Bella notices a small bedroom.

 As they walk through the hallway Bella notices a small bedroom

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It was a light blue a tree design on the wall. The bed was a lighter blue and pink flowers. Curtains were a pastel pink color. "That's Haven's room. Harry Clearwater's daughter, Leah, helped out. She just adores her." Bella nods and continues to follow Charlie. He shows her room and lets her get settled. Bella unpacks her stuff and wonders about her half sister. She's not really a social person and has no idea how to act with children. 

The next day she looks out her window to see her father outside talking to someone and is holding a child. She decides to go down to see who her father is talking too. "Bella you remember Billy Black," Charlie introduces. She notices a man of Native American descent in a wheelchair. Behind him is a boy around her age.

"Yeah," she replies, "you're looking good."

"Still dancing. Glad you're here Charlie hasn't shut up about it since he told me you were coming." Charlie looks slightly annoyed as he passed Haven off to Jacob. 

"Alright keep exaggerating and I'll roll you into the mud," Charlie says. 

"After I ram you in the ankle." The men start to fight playfully. Jacob takes his chance to talk to Bella. 

"Hi I'm Jacob. We used to make mud pies when we were little." 

"Right no I remember." She briefly glances over to Charlie and Billy. "Are they always like this?"

"It's getting worse with old age." Charlie come back over and grabs Haven. 

"Bella this is you sister Haven." He turn to the young girl. "Say hi Haven." 

"Hi," she says shyly with a small wave. Bella gives the girl a small wave. She notices that they look very different from each other. Bella has dark brown hair and eyes like her father. Haven has blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Bella observed that she probably looks like her mother, Evaline. 

"Sorry she's a little shy," Charlie explains. He then passes the girl to Billy. Haven smiles and starts to play with his hair. Billy never minded when he babysat Haven. The little girl was quiet and would rather read a book than play outside. Billy thought it might have to do with Haven being smarter than most kids her age. Haven has always been able to read the room but never questions it. She also skipped a grade in school. Billy always felt she enjoyed being with older kids or adults than kids her own age. "So what do you think?" 

"What?" Bella questions him. 

"You're homecoming present." Charlie gestures towards the truck. 

"This?" She points to the truck. 

"Just bought it off of Billy here." 

"I totally rebuilt the engine for you," Jacob explains. 

"Come on oh my gosh. This is perfect you go show..." Bella ends up hitting Jacob with the door.  Haven laughs at her sister's clumsiness. "Sorry." The teenagers get into the truck. 

"Told you she'd love it," Bill tells Charlie, "I'm done with the kids." 

"Oh yeah dude you're the bomb." Haven laughs understanding that her father is making fun of Billy. 

"So where is this little one off to now?"

"I have to take this little one to school. Hopefully I can find a way to get the girls to spend time together." He had no idea how he would get the girls to interact to each other. There's the age differences and Bella hasn't been in Forks since before Haven was born. 

"Well she's always welcomed at my place. Gets a little lonely sometimes." Charlie slightly nods and places Haven down. 

"Go get your stuff ready for school sweetie," Charlie tells his daughter.

"Okay daddy," Haven replies. She runs off to go find her backpack and books. 

"Have you talked to Ethan yet?" Billy asked Charlie. Ethan was Haven's uncle that is serving overseas. The two men briefly met during Evaline's funeral. 

"Yeah I talked to him for a bit. He's still in the military and doesn't seem he'll be getting out soon." 

"How's Haven taking it?"

"She want to meet him but you know it never seems to be the right time. I'm just waiting for the day she starts asking about her mom."

"Well I'm sure you'll be ready when she does. You know Haven isn't the type to push." Charlie nods his head in agreement. They continue talking before all the kids need to head to school. Charlie drops Haven off before going to work. 

That evening Bella meets Charlie and Haven at the local diner. "Hi," Bella greets them. She notices Haven coloring a kids menu. 

"Take a seat," Charlie suggest. They continue talking as Haven pays no mind to them. "So Haven how was school?" he asked his daughter breaking her concentration. 

"It was okay," she mumbles. Charlie lets out a sigh at the answer.

"Are the kids picking on you again?" She briefly looks up at her father before going back to coloring. "I'll take that as a yes." He turns to his older daughter who is confused. "Your sister has always been a little smarter than kids her age. The teachers are trying to find out how to teach her." 

"So is she gifted or something?" Bella asked her father.

"More or less," he admits. "Listen it will really help me out if you look out for her. She gets along better with kids your age. I have to asks her doctor at her next checkup about what to do. I mean I want her to be around kids her age; on the other hand, if it's not doing her any good then there's no point." 

"They're aren't any gifted programs?" Bella thought there would be a school that would programs for gifted kids. Or even a educational plan for gifted children. 

"No her mom was the same way. However, she was born in a completely different state. I surely didn't pass down any of my genetics. That's all her mom." Bella notices, even though he tries not to, Charlie has this sadness in his tone. He must of really loved Evaline. 

"Don't worry Charlie I'll take care of her." He gives her a small smile.

"Thanks pumpkin," he thanks. He then goes to back to paying attention to his youngest daughter. Bella new it would not be an easy task being around a five year old that she doesn't even know. But she was willing to do it for Charlie. She also notices that Haven is a sweet and easy going little girl. So maybe it won't be that bad. 

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