The 1 - Part 1

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y/n pov

Lauren Cimorelli is my best friend. Or at least, she was. We had been close for almost 5 years, that is, until I accidentally confessed my feelings for her. I remember everything that day so clearly, mainly because I felt so broken after.


I had just rang the doorbell of Lauren's house for a sleepover. We had them at least once or twice a month, so it was no surprise when Mrs. Cimorelli opened the door and saw me.

"Hi Mrs. Cimorelli!" I exclaimed as she let me in.

"Sweetie I've known you for what feels like forever, please call me Lynne."

"Oh alright Mrs- I mean, Lynne. I'm sure I'll get used to it one day." I laughed.

She also laughed with me. "You know where Lauren's room is, now I'm off to the grocery store. Don't have too much fun." She winked at me before she left.

Did she know how I felt about Lauren? Oh no, am I that obvious? But that would also mean she's okay with it? I don't know how to feel.

As I stressed through my own thoughts I headed to Lauren's room. The door was only slightly ajar so I knocked before slowly opening it more.

"Hey Laur." I said before noticing she was asleep. Cutie. I didn't want to interrupt her beauty rest so I closed the door and went to the living room.

I saw Lisa on her laptop on the couch. "What's up rat?" I sat down next to her.

"Oh hey ugly. I'm editing tomorrow's video because I'm a great procrastinator." She sighed. Lisa and I were also close because I'm always at their house.

"Do you need any help?" To be honest I didn't know how to edit but it's the thought that counts, right?

"Nah it's okay. Anyways, why aren't you with herrrr?" Lisa loved to tease me. She was the only one I told about my crush because she read my journal! Like she literally went to my house when I wasn't home to read it. What a weirdo.

"Stopppp," I rolled my eyes. "She's sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up. Remember when she kicked you when you tried to wake her up?" Sleepy Laur might be cute, but she's also violent.

"Oh yeah, I had a giant bruise for a week! That rat.." She scoffed then continued her editing. A comfortable silence fell upon us, so I decided to look around. I saw their piano across the room.

"Hey, do you mind if I play something while you edit?" I didn't want to bother her but I loved the piano.

"Go for it, I love hearing you play anyways. You're amazing. " She smiled at me then looked back at her screen.

"Thanks." I sat by the piano and played a few notes. "The 1" by Taylor Swift was stuck in my head, so I decided to play it. I quietly sang along because I was kind of insecure about my voice.

But we were something don't you think so
Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool
And if my wishes came true
It would've been you
In my defense I have none
For never leaving well enough alone
But it would've been fun
If you would've been the one

I hear footsteps come closer as I continue to softly sing and play.

"Y/n/n is that you?" Lauren tiredly asks.

"Oh no, did I wake you up? Sorry." I immediately stop and frown.

"No! I had an alarm 'cause I knew you were coming over but I guess you came earlier than I expected." She cutely giggled. "You should sing and play more, you're really good."

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