Jealous - Part 2

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Maybe we need a break.

*the next day*

Y/N's pov

I'm gonna ask Lauren to meet up at Starbucks later in the evening. Hopefully all goes well.

hey lauren. are you free to meet up at
Starbucks around 7pm? we need to talk.

I send the message and immediately shut off my phone, not wanting to face probable rejection. I leave my phone in my room and head to kitchen to make myself lunch.

I heat up some leftover rice and chicken in the microwave because I'm too lazy to actually make a meal. When your mind is tired it's hard to be physically energized.

The microwave beeps so I take out the steaming hot food and place it on the kitchen counter. There's stools underneath, so I pull one out to sit on.

The utensils are in the drawer next to me, allowing me to grab a fork without getting up. Wow, I'm actually so tired but did absolutely nothing. That's what heartbreak does to you I guess.

I wonder what was going through Lauren's mind when we first started drifting apart. Did she even notice? Was it a subtle way of telling me she needs space? These questions flood my mind until I no longer have the appetite to eat. Instead, I just leave my food on the counter and go back to my room. No one's home anyways.

*ding dong*

You've got to be kidding me right now. I bet it's Lisa again.

Looking through the peephole thingy I see that it's just a package. But wait, I never ordered anything. Hesitantly, I open the door and grab the box, seeing that it's for... my parents. Oh yeah, they live here. Oops.

I set the package down on a coffee table nearby, not bothering to open it. Ugh, now I can finally go—

*knock knock*

I swear if it's Lisa this time...

I open the door without checking who it is, immediately regretting my decision as I am met with Rachael. Yup, today is going terrible.

"Uh hey Y/N."

"Hi. Did you need something?" I'm not in the mood for this.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you could help me with asking out Lauren? Cause like, you guys are close and you're kinda the only person I've told..."

Wow. Just wow. This is awkward. "Uhh, I don't know, we aren't that close anymore." How the rip do I get out of this?

"Please? I'm really nervous."

And I'm really sad and tired so suck it up and back off my girlfriend. Obviously I can't say that but it's really tempting. "Look," I sigh. "I don't know how to help you. I didn't get much sleep these last few weeks and am exhausted."

"Oh, okay. Could you maybe just listen?"

NO NO NO. TAKE A HINT WOMAN. "Uh, fine. I guess. But please make it quick or I might fall asleep during."

"Okay, thank you so much!"

I open the door wider so she can enter and we sit on the sofa chairs around the coffee table that I placed the package on earlier.

"Well, to make things quick, I've liked Lauren for a year now but knew she didn't reciprocate them. We didn't hang out that much, but I noticed she was with you a lot. So I thought like, oh she must not like anyone since she's not going after anyone, you know? Y'all were always together, I mean it made sense cause you're best friends, so I just assumed no one caught her eye. But then this past month we started talking and hanging out more, we matched at the Halloween costume, she kinda blushes around me, and like we kissed the other day..."

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